Schlagwort-Archive: creating your first website

Easy Checks to Make Before Launching a Website

Launching a website can be very exciting time. It’s important to remember there is no rush. Website functionality and design should be in place prior to the launch. You can have the best design in place with high quality content, but what’s the use if your site is ridden with broken links? The goal of all webmaster’s is to have repeat, dedicated visitors. You should perform last minute checks of your site, from the stand point of the visitor to make sure the site is error free.

Is there a favicon on your website? It you have not done it yet, give your website a favicon. Using something as simple as a favicon can make a big difference to your overall branding efforts towards your website. The favicon can be found in the address bar of your browser and also in where bookmarks are listed. The favicon does not have to be over the top. Just be certain that it does confuse your visitors and it is a wonderful example of what your site is about. A little section of your logo would could be used for your favicon. It really does not matter, but make sure your website gets one. When picking the subject for a website you might want to consider the less popular themes such as science and technology, solid topics with moderately low competition such as hplc are often overlooked.

Don’t forget to add a sitemap to your website; adding a sitemap.xml file to your root directory helps the major search engines find and index your website. A site map acts as a search engine navigation aid. Google XML Sitemaps is a great plugin for anyone using WordPress to build their site. Upload and activate and the plugin will take care of everything else! Successful webmaster’s know the importance of having a sitemap in place for the major search engines to spider. If you plan on competing with other websites, you must have a sitemap.xml.

Check the links on your website and see to it that all of them are working. Some times, links will no longer work. This might happen when you are copying and pasting a section. Do not make the assumption that all links are working until you check them. A bad thing would be for your links to be wrong. Think about that for a moment. Missing out on a sale because the link was not working can be a horrible thing. In addition, ensure that the links are leading to the correct site and that your site navigation is good. And remember to pick a topic that is not so saturated, successful websites range from topics as common as health to the not so common such as analytical lab balances or even tattoos.

It is real simple to be happy about launching your website and forget what really makes a good website. A majority of the things discussed in this article are not hard to initiate, but most bloggers will still make the same mistakes again. If you really want to make a good impression on your readers then produce a website that will make them want to return again and again. So what are you waiting for? So scan your website thoroughly and make sure that it is functioning correctly before launching it.

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