Schlagwort-Archive: clothing labels

Clothing Labels And Looking Good

It is important when caring for clothing items to read clothing labels. This is where one will find what materials the clothing is made out of, how to clean it, and the best ways to care for it overall.

Some tags will read as dry clean only. It is usually best to follow these instructions, as placing such pieces in the washer and dryer can not only make them bleed or fade, but may result in tears or holes. This is why it will say dry clean only, as in the only way.

A label will also state whether an item is cold or hot water washable only if it is machine washable. If it is cold water only, then it is most likely a color item that may bleed in higher temperatures. If it is a hot water item, then it is probably white or light in color and can be washed hot in order to better remove stains and keep the brightness.

After learning what these labels mean, and practicing carefully when washing and drying, then the tag instructions will be remembered and better understood. The items that have previously been washed correctly will not need to be studied over and over.

Ignoring reading a clothing item’s tag may result in disaster – bleeding colors or torn garments. Many items are very easy to shrink, and that can be quite discouraging to discover a brand new item is suddenly too small.

Every time a new item is acquired, one should make sure to read the clothing labels. If ever in doubt, the tags on clothes should be read. This means that the garments will be well taken care of; this means saving money, time, and frustration. Clothing washed well and correctly looks new and fresh, and the wearer will feel the same.

You can visit the website for more helpful information about clothing labels