Schlagwort-Archive: children

Can Making Dreams Come True Be As Easy As Brushing Our Teeth

Can’t making dreams come true be just as easy? Can’t we free ourselves of our doubts? Is it not possible? How can we do it in a way so that it looks as easy as brushing our teeth? This is an excerpt form the book named ONE by Masami Sato and it shows how it can be done step-by-step, getting one ready to start walking towards one’s dreams today.

Every one of us has dreams. But every one does not have faith in themselves to have and live those dreams in their own lifetime. In reality, the secret of having such assurance is simple. The reason for our doubting it so much is also clear.

Let us start with the first question that can be asked to us..

Why do we not do the things we want to do?

Often, our thoughts stop our actions. Sometimes the more we think about it, the less we become committed to accomplish what we initially wanted to do. Because the more we think about it, we come up with more and more reasons for not doing it.

Is it then possible to be sure that we will definitely accomplish what we want to do in our life?

Yes, absolutely! For a start, let’s look at the power of habits

If we have an appointment for a meeting tomorrow night, we might not spend too much time worrying whether we can reach there or not. We would not be bothered about the likelihood of having a car accident and not being present at the appointment. In the same way when we walk to the bathroom, we may not worry if the toilet would be broken down.

We are always more assured about these day-to-day activities that happen every day. These are the habits.

However, we doubt our dreams

Interestingly, there are so many things we are not so sure about. Especially the things we really want to do in our life – our Dreams!

So what’s the secret for the certainty that we will achieve our dreams?

First of all: Just make it a daily habit!

We can start being more certain about our actions to meet our desires-the type of desires that really nourishes our life.

So, for example, if your dream is to give and contribute to society and giving is a key desire in your life, there is no reason to doubt that it’s possible for you to contribute to others. It can just become one of your daily habits.

Second: Make is as important (and equally easy) as brushing one’s teeth.

Achieving our dreams can be just like brushing our teeth. It wouldn’t feel good if we didn’t brush our teeth for a long time, would it? We wouldn’t spend hours thinking of which toothpaste to use or delay the good feeling of having clean teeth for other ‚priorities‘. We feel uncomfortable if our teeth are not clean. So we just clean them!

Looking at our example, if giving is what we desire most, then we should ask ourselves a few questions: What if giving is truly as important as brushing one’s teeth? What if it is giving us a comfortable feeling? What if it aids in remaining healthy?

Irrespective of how much or how little we own right now, we surely can start offering it and sharing it today. As such, no matter how improbable the realisation of dreams might appear, we can start walking towards them today. We can definitely do, if we see it as a crucial issue, a top priority that we should stick to every day! Then we will be uncomfortable if we do not do it. Just like cleaning our teeth.

and Third: Give first, then we will get

When we give first before we actually fully have what we really want – what we dream of – we send a very powerful message to ourselves that says, „there is enough, and more will come“. It allows us to experience the joy today – the joy of giving.

If you want to be rich, be generous. And you’ll be blessed with abundance. If you want to be superbly intelligent, don’t be afraid to teach others. And you’ll know more. If you want to give, just give selflessly. Do not attach any expectation of return. Just let go. And joy will automatically be rewarded to you. The simple joy of giving.

Do not be scared of sharing and giving what you have, for it will not thwart your plans of achieving your purpose, whatever it may be. It may only help you to fulfil your dreams faster. And your journey there will be one of total contentment.

But are not habits very small, when compared to our BIG dreams?

Just manage do it, no need to worry about the ’scale‘.

Because anything can take place in life. We might get started in a pretty simple way. And these simple things might lead us to another act, and form there to another. Our confidence in our simple actions and executing them one by one constantly takes us forward. But if we feel that it is unfeasible to do something now because it is simply unachievable, it is unlikely to ever happen.

The power to achieve one’s dreams has always been there, and will always be there. Those who have managed wonders, sensations, and real joy, already know this. They go on using it.

Visions and miracles do not happen accidentally. We choose to create them.

So, would you start walking towards your dreams today?

Contents are excerpted with minor modification from ONE, a book written by Masami Sato. To get a free copy of ONE, visit and start sharing the joy of giving. Feel free to use or republish the content of the above article, fully or partially, as long as it is preserved in its original content, with proper attribution to Masami Sato and

Discover more about how Buy1GIVE1 (BOGO) can transform your business using Cause Marketing.

categories: women’s interests,giving,caring for others,metaphysics,children,family,self help,healing,cause marketing,giving,Spirituality,Personal Development,self-development

Paper Lanterns Sizes

If you’re looking to create a place in your house that has a calm atmosphere, then perhaps you should add several paper lanterns, going for Asian style decorations. Not only do they look elegant, but they are also perfect for any room. Keep in mind that you have to choose an adequate size for your paper lantern, also bearing in mind its location. By analyzing the place where you are going to put it, you will be able to choose a paper lantern that is actually suitable. Two recommended shapes are rectangular and circular, offering lighting that is not too bright for your taste; also, you may want to avoid crowding, making sure that the paper lantern is situated in a spacious location.

Did you know that you can also make your own paper lanterns, creating the perfect decorations for a party? You will need some rice paper – 6“ x 6“ or 12“ x 12“ – and Christmas lights to complete the decoration. The paper must be folded to make small blocks, and then the lights inserted into them. Handmade paper lanterns are the best, especially when you know that they are the result of your work. These decorative objects will certainly meet your expectations, perfect for parties and other celebratory events; moreover, they are a fun project to undertake.

There are two things needed when decorating your home or garden with paper lanterns: originality and creativity. Think about the project and choose the right decorative objects. You may also want to discuss your project with an experienced designer, requesting his/her specialized assistance. You could ask for advice on selecting the colour of the paper lantern, the right size or how to put all these together for the desired result.

In the end, you will have exactly what you dreamed of, paper lanterns creating the atmosphere you always wanted.

You have to choose an appropriate size for your paper lantern, and this is not the easiest thing to do. Think! Think about how the paper lanterns will make the area beautiful, choosing shapes that fit in with the decor of the room and going for matching colour combinations, and don’t forget to select the size of your paper lantern.

Whether or not you find it difficult, this task is part of a project that requires commitment, hard-work and imagination, especially if you want the final results to be spectacular and the experience worth telling.

Cody Scholberg, a lighting expert, writes about chinese paper lantern. Check out this post on using white paper lanterns !

Step aside old BOGO and meet the new BOGO

Definitions of words often change quite quickly these days. In the distant past the meaning of words was often set in stone. Today the meaning can change in a blink. With new faster ways to communicate with wider and more culturally, socially and education

There is a growing significant movement happening global where consumers are asking businesses to look after the things they care about such as the environment and the less fortunate in society. The request is still mainly tacit and despite it being an ironic request it still signals we are in a time of great change. Consumers these days want their ‚toys‘ but they don’t want the environment to be destroyed in the creation of these. They want cheap products but they do not want workers to be paid a pittance to create the cheap products.

Until recently there was no real answer to this complex puzzle but today one actually exists. It exists in the reforging of a simple single word – GET. Today there is a new movement of consumers wanting to get and at the same time give. They are reforging the word GET into the word GIVE.

Every day automated email notices arrive from Google Alerts for two keywords – B1G1 and BOGO. I see all the new places these words are being used on the Internet. I can now see that the new meaning of these words is coming alive ‚poco a poco‘ -little by little.

B1G1 and BOGO, despite sounding like characters from a Marvel comic are acronyms for Buy One GET One free. You buy one and they give you an extra one for the same price.

If you look on Wikipedia you will find these definitions for BOGO (there isn’t a definition yet for B1G1) –

* An acronym in the retail industry that stands for Buy One Get One. For example, you could say „Buy 1 DVD, Get 1 FREE!

* An acronym in slang British that stands for Britons Of Greek Origin or Greek Britons.

* Bogo, Cebu, a city in central Philippines.

* An alternate name for the Bilen ethnic group of Ethiopia or their language, Blin.

* Norway, a village in Norway.

* The mascot of the ITESM CEM.

* BogoMips, an unscientific measurement of CPU speed

* BogoMips, an unscientific measurement of CPU speed

BOGO light

There is a business in the USA called SunLight Solar founded by Mark Bent. He has created a special torch that not only is an amazing and sturdy solar-powered light; his company also gives a free torch to those in need in developing nations for each one bought. If you look on their website you will learn about their „BOGOlight“. – „The BoGo – our Buy one/Give one – program has successfully provided lights to many, many thousands of people in the developing world, changing lives because of your purchase and participation.“

Mark Bent has managed to flip the meaning of the BOGO acronym upside down. For Mark along with thousands of his customers, BOGO now means Buy One GIVE One. A light is given whenever one is sold. Now each sale supports people in remote parts of the world who don’t have the benefit of electricity. They can now tap into solar power support themselves.

There are many other well known and less well know businesses now doing Buy One Give One giving or transaction based giving as it is becoming known. Some of the famous ones are One Laptop Per Child and TOMS Shoes. Some of the less well-known ones (in the USA at least) are based in Australia, New Zealand and the UK – Maple Muesli, Blinds Couture, Earthstar Publishing, Figure 8 Body Chains, Honestly Women magazine, Sunsplash Homes and Thavibu Gallery based in Thailand are just a few special businesses that are leading the Buy One Give One movement in their parts of the world.

There are many Buy One Give One businesses now uniting under the common brand banner of Buy1GIVE1 managed by a Singapore based social enterprise which is becoming the home of transaction-based giving. Any business in the world can now integrate Buy One Give One giving with ease. It’s like a ‚CSR plug-in‘ allowing a business to instantaneously start giving from each and every sale, starting from just 1 cent. It’s also no longer about giving an equivalent product to someone else. Instead it is about contributing to a project that resonates with a company’s activity. For example a restaurant can feed a child, a television retailer can give a cataract blind person the gift of sight (Get Vision-Give Vision), a magazine publisher can plant a tree every time they sell a subscription and a property developer can build a low-cost family home for those in need (Buy1BUILD1) – the list is simply endless.

The stats now add up saying consumers do care. The 2008 Goodpurpose global study of consumer attitudes revealed that nearly a huge 68% of consumers would remain dedicated to a brand during an economic slump if it supported a charity cause. This study also highlighted some other key points as well such as:

* Half (52%) of consumers globally are more likely to recommend a brand to others when it supports a good charity cause over one that does not.

* and 54% would champion a brand to promote a product if there was a good cause behind it.

* And going even further globally, consumers are voicing a strong desire for marketers to connect their brands to social causes or action. Forty-two percent say that if two products or services are of the same quality and price, commitment to a social purpose trumps factors like design, innovation and brand loyalty when choosing one product brand over another.

Turning Getting into Giving

In the minds of consumers, Buy One GIVE One is expected to replace Buy One GET One as the new global giving movement led by Buy1GIVE1 spreads. Certainly with the massive sales results and consumer demand shown for companies like BOGOlights, One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) and TOMS Shoes, this tide will continue to spread and grow.

I did a Google search on the 25 topmost key words connected with the keyword BOGO as an experiment to see what would show up. The results were interesting so I have displayed them below. You may notice that right now the word Give doesn’t show up. It will be interested to do this test again in twelve months time to see what changes. Consumers are now driving change and yes they want to receive free gifts (traditional B1G1/BOGO) but equally they also want to give to others or see others being given to.

Here are the results:

Free, photography, blogging, discount, networking, African, boots, groups, music, dallas, togo themes, wallpapers, buy, applications, skins, values, coupon, gift, sharing, shopping, pics, join, prose

Transactional or transaction-based giving

Unlike traditional charity giving, Buy One Give One giving is transactional in that every time you buy something, you give something. In the case of SunNight Solar they happen to give a physical light for every light sold. However, in most cases, Buy1GIVE1 associated businesses give in a different way. At Buy1GIVE1, giving can start from just USD 1c contribution per sale and go up to thousands of dollars in the case of Buy1BUILD1. At 1cent almost every business in the world can afford to give from each sale especially when they know 100% contributed goes to the cause.

The amount contributed from each sale is not the point of focus with Buy1GIVE1 transaction based giving. The focus is instead on the story and sharing the simple joy of giving. In the end, if you think that 1c is not a lot to contribute and is unlikely to make much of a difference think again and consider the following idea.

From its origins in Ethiopia, where the main coffee production is still from wild coffee tree forests, coffee consumption has spread throughout the world. Today Brazil is still by far the largest producer producing an average output of 28% of the world’s total coffee. Brazil produced enough coffee in 2006 to make 216 billion four hundred million – 216 400 000 000 – espresso coffees. If we calculate that across global production then we get a daily global consumption of around 2,117,416,830 cups of coffee. The figures are hard to find but let’s guess that 40% of the world’s coffee is sold in coffee shops then we would get that 846,966,732 cups are sold commercially each day globally. This would equate to about 185,485,714 cups in the USA alone seeing they purchase around 21.9% of the world’s coffee beans.

Imagine now that for every cup of coffee sold a child in a developing region like Africa received drinking water from its own well and it costing only one US cent per person per day. Now any coffee shop could afford to contribute this amount from the sale of a single cup of coffee because it has a high profit margin sale. Imagine the different that this alone would make in the world.

Transaction based giving is the story of a thousand mile journey starting with the first step. To dig a well costs a few thousand dollars hence many communities in developing nations cannot afford to dig wells. But when you see that it only takes the sale of a single cup of coffee to give clean well water to a single person for a day1, then you can see the magic of transactional based giving. Buy1GIVE1 giving is like the compound interest of giving – a little turns into a lot very quickly.

Of course any company can do transaction-based giving with any of its products or services and do it on their own as some are like TESCO in the UK giving school uniforms to kids in Africa in partnership with Save the Children. And yet if companies choose to join together under a commonly recognised banner/brand they can have a powerful effect. The ripple that a single company creates is added to that of another and the ripple grows into a tidal wave of giving. This is the power of giving and doing things together.

Everyone wins with Buy-One-Give-One transaction-based giving. The consumer wins – at no extra cost to themselves they’ve made a difference to the lives of others through their purchasing choices. The business also wins in so many tangible and intangible ways. And of course the charity partner wins because they are now able to receive small amounts from numerous sources aggregated and paid in a lump sum on a regular basis allowing them to focus on what they do rather than raising funds.

A new beginning

If you check Wikipedia today you should find that a new definition has been added for BOGO. It is time for a change. A change from focusing on GETTING to focusing on GIVING. The subtlety in the words that we use so often point to a deeper underlying meaning. I added this small addition to Wikipedia, „… an acronym in the marketing industry that stands for Buy One GIVE One.“

Just imagine our world where every time you shopped and bought something you gave something – automatically and seamlessly. This is the simple joyful magic of transaction based giving.

This is the world I want to be part of.

Just remember – you don’t ‚get‘ giving till you get giving.


Footnotes: 1 Daily cost per person is calculated by taking the average cost to dig a well, dividing it by its average expected life without major maintenance, divided by the number of people in the community benefiting from the well on a daily basis.

Find out more about how Buy1GIVE1 (BOGO) can transform your business using Cause Marketing.