Schlagwort-Archive: buying a home

Pet Peeves About Real Estate People

There is something that always upsets or annoys us no matter how small or big, serious or light a situation is. These things that frustrates us, called pet peeves, are normally things that aren’t just done right or things that people do. In the world of real estate, some home buyers find some behavior of real estate agents quite irritating. Let’s look at what behavior particularly irritates a home buyer or property investor.

1. The Chasing – Although attending to the needs of a potential client is good, this should not be overdone. There are real estate agents who trail around visitors like a puppy asking questions or giving unsolicited advice or information during open houses. They should be sensitive enough to know or read cues on when should they speak or not because the client might be in thinking of virtually arranging his/her stuff in the house.

2. The Deadly Lie – There’s nothing wrong with an offer being rejected because there are other similar homes available. What’s wrong in this kind of scenario is when the real estate agent continues with, „I have three families offering higher than your offer who are ready to move,“ only to find out that the property is still on the market months later. It doesn’t take much effort to know if someone is lying, making stories or just puffed up. There will be always a time where your offer is rejected because it’s too low.

3. Negative Remarks – We assume that real estate agents sell houses and other types of properties and of course all real estate related transactions. Real estate agents are not news reporters who talk about other people’s lives. So, speaking ill against other real estate agents is a big no, no for potential clients.

4. Too Confident – A positive attitude is not an excuse for giving an inappropriate advice to an individual. If a real estate agent always say ‚Now is the best time to buy‘, s/he is neglecting the reality of the current financial situation of the potential buyer. While optimism is an empowering and motivating attitude especially in a distressed situation, too much optimism can be blinding us to what the reality actually look like. The same is true with real estate agents who refuse to acknowledge reality can interfere with the success of the transaction.

5. Wrong Information – Who doesn’t make mistakes? But real estate agents must know that they must be very careful on the information of their listings. They must always double check that all listings have as much correct information. Correct spelling must be strictly observed especially the figures or the numbers. A small typographical error especially in terms of number can mean a lot.

Some people say that anyone who is in sales marketing are irritating. However, we respect and understand that real estate agents and all real estate professionals are well-versed in a particular area in the real estate. However, people look at things in different ways and what looks nothing may mean something. Although some of these real estate peeves are trivial, real estate agents should be aware of these things in order to avoid any situation that may halt the sale of Parker CO Homes too soon.

If you are looking to sell, buy, or invest in Denver Colorado Short Sales, a Realtor is a must. HUD Homes in Denver CO deserve a hard working yet patient Realtor and not a pushy salesman.