Schlagwort-Archive: best funeral services in Singapore

A Brief Guide To Buddhist Funeral Rituals

When a family member passes away, a person is not exempt from sorrow no matter what her or his religion is. What the religion in which an individual belongs to can do is help the mourning individual to accept his or her loved one’s death.

The basic teachings of the Buddha form the crux of the Buddhist religion which is practised extensively in many nations of the world today. Buddhism involves quest for the Ultimate Truth as well as a spirit of compassion and true love for every living being.

Buddhist funeral rituals also rely on these basic principles of the religion. After a person dies in a Buddhist family, certain rites have to be practised in order to ensure that the deceased’s soul rises to a higher stage of life after death. The positive energies of the dead are invoked to pray and wish the best for the dead person’s next life beyond this birth.

A traditional bath to the body marks the beginning of the Buddhist funeral rites. The second stage entails invitation of monks, who read out religious texts and thereby aid the deceased in finding liberation. The teachings of the Buddha, which speak of the value of practising virtue and compassion in life, are read aloud. Meanwhile, the body is prepared for the final rituals. The deceased is usually provided with some coins put in his casket by the family. This is supposed to help the dead person cross the River of Three Hells to reach his ultimate destination.

Then the friends and relatives come and pay their last respects to the deceased as the casket is placed at the altar. While friends and relatives offer condolences, attendees are expected to offer prayers for the deceased. Monks who perform the rites continue to recite the appropriate sutras. Once the recital is complete, people bow at the altar to pay their last respects. After the proceedings, the family members of the deceased distribute gifts to the attendees for sharing their sorrow.

Once these rituals are carried out, the body may then be either cremated or buried according to the beliefs of the family. These rites are meant to allow the family to overcome their grief by offering prayers that will elevate the dead to a higher pedestal of enlightenment and knowledge.

Our professional funeral directors can arrange Christian funeral or Buddhist funeral, and other religious funerals. We have the experience arranging for rituals that are characteristic of religious funeral services.

The Reasons Why You Must Hire A Funeral Service Director

For a person who suffers the death of a family member, grief is a powerful emotion that threatens to overcome them. This time of overwhelming sadness is not ideal for making good decisions. Still, the bereaved will be called upon to arrange what are essential for the loved one’s interment. The funeral service arrangement is one essential aspect to look into. The mourning person could engage the services of a funeral director to assists in the matter of arranging for the funeral service.

The main task of a funeral director is to make all arrangements for the funeral service up to the handling of the dead body at the cremation or burial.

There are four important tasks of a funeral director, they are: (a) shifting of the body to the mortuary; (b) embalming and preparing the body for the ceremony; (c) arranging for the ceremonies for friends and family to pay their final respects to the deceased and; (d) the last act of burial or cremation according to the customs of the family.

These tasks involve focusing on essential activities like deciding the place and timings of the funeral ceremonies, arranging for a hearse to transport the body, and preparing obituaries and placing them in newspapers or the digital media. Moreover, the funeral directors also have to make sure that the decorations and flowers are in place. Besides this, they have to prepare the body for the service by bathing and embalming it and arrange transportation for the family and friends gathering for the ceremony.

Apart from these jobs, a funeral director has to take care of the job of doing the mandatory paperwork formalities needed following a person’s death. He helps the family obtain a death certificate. He also shoulders the responsibility of settling claims of insurance for the family besides helping them take benefit of schemes like veteran’s burial support. He can also arrange for the clearance of any pensions or annuities that the family is entitled to receive, and provides tips to the family on how to manage funeral expenses.

He also has to work in collaboration with a number of people and needs to coordinate with different people for effectively performing his tasks. He should be able to communicate with physicians, florists, casket makers and priests equally well.

Last but not the least, it is essential for funeral directors to come forward and provide some solace to the grieving family on an unofficial level, so as to help them get over the loss of a loved one. Some funeral directors ignore this responsibility, but it is an important part of their service no doubt.

Our professional funeral directors can arrange Christian funeral or Buddhist funeral, and other religious funerals. We have the experience arranging for rituals that are characteristic of religious funeral services.

Funeral Services – How They Work

Death of a family member is a shocking experience, which can make the funeral arrangements emotionally tough. However, you have to admit the loss that you have met with and be prepared for making appropriate funeral service arrangements for the deceased. You can get the required assistance in making the arrangements from any good funeral home, but you should bear a few things in mind before proceeding.

The deceased person’s life and beliefs are expressed in the funeral and thus, it is essential to organize it properly. There is a standard pattern which most funeral services stick to, and any deviation would usually depend on specific religious and cultural inclinations of the deceased and his or her family members.

The first stage is the visitation, which can take place for a few hours or could extend for a few days. In this, family members and acquaintances get together in memory of the deceased. The second phase is formal funeral services in any location like a church, a chapel, a mortuary or at some other place that had a special value for the deceased person. You will also need to book a funeral coach or hearse to bear the body, if the funeral is to take place at an outdoor spot.

After this service, the gatherers generally move to the cemetery to participate in the graveside service. This can be handled by either a relative of the deceased or a priest based on the decision of the family. You also need to take care of many other things like the type of flowers you would require for the service, if you want to display a photo of the dead person and who will ultimately lead the service.

The final part of the proceedings is the burial of the body in a location, which is normally based on the kind of burial tradition that the family has. The burial can be done on a family plot or a graveyard, or if the deceased had wished for a cremation, the ashes can be scattered at an appropriate location.

Death is a sensitive time. After all, funerals present the family with a need to transition into moving on with life. Get the best casket for your loved one’s burial.