Schlagwort-Archive: article directory

SEO Norway- Facts About Article Submission To Article Directories

One of the more valuable approaches in driving targeted users to websites and converting them into consumers is information-based marketing. This is why article writing, submissions and publications are at an all-time high. You will find countless tools that you can use to make the process of distributing your articles easier. However, although this is invaluable in getting your article exposed to more sites, there are common mistakes that some people make before submitting their articles to directories. Confusing the reason to promote articles with the reason to write them.

In article writing, the main benefits of you promoting them is branding, lead generation and promotion, which are all part of your optimization efforts.However, there is one reason why you write articles, and that is to inform your audience about a subject. It is greatly important that your article is based upon this fact, or else you stand to fail in the promotional benefits as outlined above. Of course, it is also highly important that you figure out how to get people to read you article, and then to click on your site link in the resource box. I have produced a couple of articles that cover these areas so please check them out.Failing to realize and maximize the promotional opportunities of article marketing. You will more than likely already know that your article can generate links back to your site from the article directories themselves, and also from any websites who publish your article from these directories. However, did you know that you can attract more visitors and better search engine results from the same article? The first step to achieving this is to provide relevant keywords at strategic places in the article. However, do not overdo this. A good benchmark is to aim for between a ten to fifteen percent keyword density. I won’t go further into this here as I’ve discussed this in other articles but if you would like to find out more, look out for more of my article marketing articles.

You shouldn’t just aim for your article to be accepted by article directories, but should ultimately aim for it to be used by publishers who scour the directories for website content. You should not underestimate the potential that this can have on your promotional efforts, as numerous of these publishers may have hundreds or thousands of regular visitors who could then view your article.Start out by having a plan of what you want achieved and make sure that you reach your targets. It is important to do this so that you can reap the maximum benefits of every article that you write.

Maybe your only plan is to create an article and get links back from article directories, and that any visitor that you may get from this is fine. Well you may need to think again. countless article directories clamp down on the amount of articles that they accept that are simply not up to standard. And even if a poorly written, uninformative article does make it into the article websites, then the potential of being picked up by webmasters seeking quality content is certainly lost.

The benefits of one publisher with a hundred thousand website visitors picking up your article should be enough incentive for you to write an informative article. This is by no means impossible, and you may find that this value is conservative in what you may achieve from a number of publishers running your article on their site. Researching into a topic that is sought after is important. There may be many readers of this article who will feel that this information is all well and good but feel that they cannot write an article well, or may not know enough about a certain subject to write an article. This is by no means a dead-end. There are countless places where you can research into a topic, or hiring a writer might be an option worth considering. The choice really is yours on how dedicated you are in increasing the exposure of your article, and consequently your website. On a basic level you can choose to gain a few backlinks from article directories, or with a little more effort you can enjoy massive exposure from providing quality content. multilingual SEO

Specialized Search engine optimization and PPC services SEO Denmark company are now readily available to rank businesses towards the very first spot in the search engines and generate traffic and sales through social media sites and other channels on the web. Contact SEO expert today and discuss your marketing needs.

SEO UK- Some Information Regarding Website Traffic

These days the most popular question asked by a lot of online entrepreneurs is how to get extra traffic to their web pages. The answer to this question is unproblematic: Have your web page exposure to as many internet surfers as possible, as soon as people can find your website, there will be traffic flow into your web page". But to make your web page successfully expose to internet users is not an easy task. Efforts, strategies and techniques need to put in place in order to make it as success. Below are 8 common online marketing techniques used by most online marketers to drive internet traffic to their website pages:

Successful SEO will greatly boost the number of visitors that come to your website since over 60% of people who are trying to find products and services apply search engines to locate them. If your website is ranked high in the related keyword search by the search engines, you will get tons of free internet traffic to your web page.

One of the ways to optimize your web page to be search engines friendly is by generating back links from other website pages to your web page. When web pages provide a link to your site, the search engines deem your site as valuable and this affects your position in the listings.

Pay Per Click is advertising provided by the search engine providers (Google, Yahoo! and others) where you pay for top placement. Most search engines give top positions to the highest bidder. It is a quick way to have your ad on the first page of the keyword search as listed in the search engines. There is a catch: you have to pay for every click to your web site. Make a budget and stick to it and make sure to monitor your account, those clicks add up fast.

By writing short articles on the topic related to your website, products or services, you can offer these articles for other web page owners or newsletter publishers to use by submitting them to article directories, forums or blogs. When the publishers use your articles in their ezines or websites, they will remain your bio information which contains links to your web page at the bottom of your articles, which means that the publishers will contribute their link from their website pages to yours. These back links are counted in SEO. When their visitors who read your articles and if they want to know more about your products or services may click the hyperlinks at the bottom of your articles to reach to your website. Pay Per Click is advertising provided by the search engine providers where you pay for top placement. Most search engines give top positions to the highest bidder. It is a quick way to have your ad on the first page of the keyword search as listed in the search engines. There is a catch: you have to pay for every click to your web site. Make a budget and stick to it and make sure to monitor your account, those clicks add up fast. An affiliate program is another way to drive traffic to your web site. Your affiliates are your commissions-based sales people who make money when they sell your products. They drive traffic to your web site in exchange for commissions on sales. If you don’t want to manage your affiliates yourself, you could subscribe to affiliate network such as Click Bank if your products are digital items.

Search engine optimisation services SEO UK are now readily available to rank UK based businesses towards the very first spot in the search engines. Contact Maria Johnsen SEO UK expert today for your marketing needs.

Article Marketing with Unique Article Wizard

What is Article Marketing?
Article Marketing in the internet marketing world means writing articles that is related to the website or webpage you want to promote then submit these articles to as many articles directories as you can. It is one of the most common, effective and popular marketing methods today. Mainly because it is FREE and you get high exposure to readers out there. When you write articles, your articles will relate to your website, telling the reader more about that topic you are sharing and finally linking them back to your site. Usually in your resource box, the place where you tell people more about yourself, your webpage or the thing you are promoting.

What does Article Marketing do?
Article Marketing is getting very popular in the recent 2-3 years mainly because of Google and the technology used on many articles directories. Many marketers out there would want to advertise their website and get more people to visit. With these articles directories using Web 2.0 technology, Google Search Engine Bot crawls them easier or rather I would say Google bots LOVES such sites. Google tends to index such place more often, especially when there is very often updates on that specific site. Which it happens very often on articles directories because many people are posting articles on those directories. This will result in having a chance to have your article get indexed by Google, the big brother search engine online today, and expose to as many people as you wish. Another point is backlinks, having articles submitted to many articles directories, especially those popular ones around with high Google page rank, you will also get more backlinks to your site because you promoted your website in your resource box of these articles which will be shown together with the article. Google takes backlink into consideration on listing your page or that article in Google search result, and also your page rank or even the page rank of the article directory your article is on. In short, having your articles on as many articles directories as you can, with many high page rank articles directories, your article will get very high amount of exposure.

How does Article Marketing help?
From what I’ve explained so far above, it explains how article marketing can help you advertise your website and get high exposure. Not forgetting writing articles and submitting them to article directories can be FREE, all of them can be done by you manually. Having this FREE method of advertisement, to help you promote the thing you want to advertise, it truly help you on the advertising and marketing your website.

How to make Article Marketing EASIER and Amplify its result?
As I don’t really wish to share this idea because it might saturate and reduce the effect in some ways.
If you spend some time on Internet Marketing or Article Marketing, you should have heard of this.
Unique Article Wizard (UAW) – This is really one wonderful tool I’ve used online, one of the best so far.

What does UAW do?
As you probably has already seen many reviews or affiliates of UAW recommending it, it is really too good.
I posted this Article, this exact one you are reading, on my own Google Site click here –
Then I submitted this article with UAW to hundreds of directories, you simply Google it to check this, verify the proof with your own actions.
Google these few exact topics or copy this whole string into Google Search.
„Article Marketing with UAW“ OR „Article Marketing Introduced by Vexez“ OR „Article Marketing with Unique Article Wizard“
I’m also not sure how good the results can be, its my test and its the proof for Unique Article Wizard.
I’ve also submitted some others articles to promote different websites and links with UAW, I was actually stunned.
When I checked back on those website hits, just 1-2 days after submission, I physically got shocked.
1000+ hits for one of them, 500+ hits for another, in just 1-2 days after submission.

I’m actually having doubts in recommending this idea to people because if everyone is using this, I’m actually getting more people to fight with me in this Article Marketing method.
As an user of UAW, my review for Unique Article Wizard (UAW) is highly rated.

Original Post of this Article on my Google Site.Unique Article Wizard