Schlagwort-Archive: article directories

Article Submission – Do It The Easiest Way

The arena of Internet marketing is very challenging since there is awful lot to know in this field. On a positive note, however, there are many ways available which will enable even a novice to do the job efficiently. Writing articles and submitting them is quite tough to learn. Online marketing sites are agog with discussions of how article submissions happen?

Prime position in search engines and increased number of hits to the site occurs due to intelligent article writing. Articles, thus, can lead to dual purposes, namely laying out back links or ensuring increased footfalls on the site. If you are able to make out which should be given more focus at present, half the battle is won. The rest lies in focusing all your energies on the priority choice.

Given your focal point is creating increased back links, obviously you would want more number of pages or texts rather than condensed precise top-notch work. That does not mean the article should not be of good standard. The focal point will be on increased number of them with links to the main text, so that query engines feel the site is of greater relevance

Knowing what you are doing is the key to success anywhere. Unfocused efforts yield nothing. If getting in more visitors is what you are aiming at, put up your article in such a manner that it catches the visitors attention and makes them want to visit your site. That is the right way to do it. Ensure that your effort is not wasted on rushing about.

A plethora of methods are relied on for getting articles submitted. A new entry to the field, would try to submit his or her articles individually to each one who needs service. Over time, this leads to exhaustion and wastage of talent. A far better option is to rely on efficient aids available for the purpose. Old timers in the profession, are aware of this fact and they put it to good use to make their work much more easier, smarter. If you are still unsure about how article submission works, chalk out a formula and seek out the best tools to do the work for you.

If you need a quick and easy way to do article submission for SEO purposes, check out our website Article Submission Express. Here you can submit articles and improve your rankings rapidly.

Article Marketing with Unique Article Wizard

What is Article Marketing?
Article Marketing in the internet marketing world means writing articles that is related to the website or webpage you want to promote then submit these articles to as many articles directories as you can. It is one of the most common, effective and popular marketing methods today. Mainly because it is FREE and you get high exposure to readers out there. When you write articles, your articles will relate to your website, telling the reader more about that topic you are sharing and finally linking them back to your site. Usually in your resource box, the place where you tell people more about yourself, your webpage or the thing you are promoting.

What does Article Marketing do?
Article Marketing is getting very popular in the recent 2-3 years mainly because of Google and the technology used on many articles directories. Many marketers out there would want to advertise their website and get more people to visit. With these articles directories using Web 2.0 technology, Google Search Engine Bot crawls them easier or rather I would say Google bots LOVES such sites. Google tends to index such place more often, especially when there is very often updates on that specific site. Which it happens very often on articles directories because many people are posting articles on those directories. This will result in having a chance to have your article get indexed by Google, the big brother search engine online today, and expose to as many people as you wish. Another point is backlinks, having articles submitted to many articles directories, especially those popular ones around with high Google page rank, you will also get more backlinks to your site because you promoted your website in your resource box of these articles which will be shown together with the article. Google takes backlink into consideration on listing your page or that article in Google search result, and also your page rank or even the page rank of the article directory your article is on. In short, having your articles on as many articles directories as you can, with many high page rank articles directories, your article will get very high amount of exposure.

How does Article Marketing help?
From what I’ve explained so far above, it explains how article marketing can help you advertise your website and get high exposure. Not forgetting writing articles and submitting them to article directories can be FREE, all of them can be done by you manually. Having this FREE method of advertisement, to help you promote the thing you want to advertise, it truly help you on the advertising and marketing your website.

How to make Article Marketing EASIER and Amplify its result?
As I don’t really wish to share this idea because it might saturate and reduce the effect in some ways.
If you spend some time on Internet Marketing or Article Marketing, you should have heard of this.
Unique Article Wizard (UAW) – This is really one wonderful tool I’ve used online, one of the best so far.

What does UAW do?
As you probably has already seen many reviews or affiliates of UAW recommending it, it is really too good.
I posted this Article, this exact one you are reading, on my own Google Site click here –
Then I submitted this article with UAW to hundreds of directories, you simply Google it to check this, verify the proof with your own actions.
Google these few exact topics or copy this whole string into Google Search.
„Article Marketing with UAW“ OR „Article Marketing Introduced by Vexez“ OR „Article Marketing with Unique Article Wizard“
I’m also not sure how good the results can be, its my test and its the proof for Unique Article Wizard.
I’ve also submitted some others articles to promote different websites and links with UAW, I was actually stunned.
When I checked back on those website hits, just 1-2 days after submission, I physically got shocked.
1000+ hits for one of them, 500+ hits for another, in just 1-2 days after submission.

I’m actually having doubts in recommending this idea to people because if everyone is using this, I’m actually getting more people to fight with me in this Article Marketing method.
As an user of UAW, my review for Unique Article Wizard (UAW) is highly rated.

Original Post of this Article on my Google Site.Unique Article Wizard