Successful Entrepreneurs: How They Deal With Guru Mania

If you are a newbie in an enterprise like Internet marketing, it is recommended to find an expert in this field. It would be great to have someone like this show you the ropes. You might need to find one of those successful entrepreneurs who knows what they’re talking about. But finding the right resource person who is skilled in both business and mentorship might be taxing.

Regardless of the argument, however, one thing’s for certain: very few professions are as respected as teaching.

The Teacher

Here’s an adage that’s been the source of controversy for many an academe: „Those who can’t do, teach.“ If this is true, many argue that it inappropriate simplifies the complexity of the teaching profession and all its inherent skills.

On the other side of the fence, there is also the idea that those who CAN do are incapable of teaching effectively. That is because they know and do something so well that it’s almost second nature to them that it’s unfair to expect others, especially their own students, to do just as well.

Think It Over

You might have been bombarded with e-mails on how to become one of those to earners. Before you take their word for it, or even delete these messages, here are a few tips to help you decide when you’ve struck gold, or when you’ve just encountered a dud:

1. Compare your history with your new mentor and gauge your success with him. Ask him pertinent questions about how he got started and how he worked his way to the top. Asking these questions will give you his background and work ethics.

2. Research on your guru’s background and find out what you need to know. This will help you determine if this person is a credible source of knowledge.

3. If the mentor is more focused on selling you something, consider that a red flag. No mentor can give you a 100 percent guarantee of success, but he should be able to give you a safe estimate on your success rate. He should teach you the ways of the successful entrepreneurs.

4. When you have found the perfect teacher, do what you need to absorb all the knowledge he gives. Keep your mind open for constructive criticism, and learn to be level-headed. There are successful entrepreneurs who are willing to share what they know. Be wise enough to distinguish these characteristics. Learn from their experience and apply it to fruition. Next thing we know, you will be rubbing elbows with the business tycoons.

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