Start Your Landing Page

Before you get started creating your landing page, you will need a number of things to a) make your offer actually have a point; and b) facilitate the creation of your landing page.

One thing you absolutely must have before you get started is an autoresponder. Without any autoresponder, you are tossing money in the garbage. Rather than creating a relationship with customers and potential customers “ and giving yourself the opportunity to attempt future upsales — you’re allowing them to leave and never return.

In addition to an autoresponder, you will need to have an actual offer that people want to buy. You may want to develop a product, such as an ebook or a piece of software. If you don’t have the skills to do either, you can always hire a professional to do it for you through or You will then either want to sell this product and attempt to get subscribers from your thank you page “ or you will want to get subscribers by offering the product for free (which is what many Internet marketers now do).

Another thing you need before you get started is a check out service. You may want to consider Google Check Out, Paypal, a Shopping Cart Service, Click Bank, Sale Flurry, or 2 Check Out. All of these services will allow you to make transactions quickly.

You also need a set of graphics, which includes a graphic header, a check out button, background wallpaper, and a half-decent picture of yourself. You can probably provide the picture of yourself, but you might want to hire a professional to do the rest.

The final thing you will need before you can get started on your landing page is some way in which to create a realistic signature. Http:// is probably your best bet; but, if you’re on a budget, you may want to opt for simply using a wordprocessing program.

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