Six Reasons Why Your Advertising Plan Needs Voice Over

So many marketing campaigns today take a multimedia approach to gettin the attention of the consumer, to the extent that it may seems insufficient to market only in one direction. A good combination of audio and video, presented on television, radio, or even online in the form of podcasts or webinars, is often the recipe for an advertising campaign that can reach potential customers with a strong message.

With all of these avenues for the creation of memorable campaigns, savvy marketers will quickly realize that, although compelling visuals are certainly important, you will also want to put some thought into other crucial ways of reaching your audience, including powerful slogans and audio components.

In nearly every marketing situation, there is something to be said for hiring voice over talent to speak directly to potential customers. Below, I have list just six of the myriad of reason to hire a professional voice actor or actress for your campaign.

1. To help create an identity for your brand. To start your marketing campaign off on the right foot, you will want to create a strong sense of brand identity. A distinctive, professionally-done voice over can be the human element that makes consumers remember your brand.

2. A high-quality voice over shows professionalism. When you’re speaking to a large potential audience, you’re going to want to ensure that you’re expressing your message in a manner that makes you look good. The right voice over talent will make your marketing seem polished and professional, and this will reflect on your organization as a whole.

3. Voice overs differentiate you from your competition. For marketers attempting to sell a product or service in an already-crowded market, the only way to position yourself as a leading member of your industry is to immediately evoke a unique, powerful presence. Professional voice overs are a great way to achieve this.

4. To create a harder-hitting advertisement. Print and visual media are all well and good– in fact, they’re essential facets of communicating effectively in marketing. Audio, specifically speech, however, is likely the most important of all. When customers are addressed by the right voice actor or actress, they’re sure to listen, and sales will increase as a result.

5. Voice over talent can increase website traffic. As more people turn to podcasts, webinars, and even television for entertainment and business, you can boost traffic to your website with strategically-placed messages. Audio files on websites are becoming easier to implement, and people can simply tune in as soon as they visit your page.

6. Voice overs can cost less than other forms of advertising. Both radio and podcasts can cost much less than other advertising mediums such as television and online video production. If you’re working with a tight marketing budget, you can invest in quality voice overs to create the biggest impact with your marketing dollars.

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