Simple Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Squeeze Page & Build Your List

As an internet marketer, you are aware of how essential your email list is. That list is your money maker. What you need is a means by which you build on that list, bringing traffic to your squeeze page. There are a few great ways of doing this, such as Pay Per Click, Affiliate Marketing and Article Marketing.

PPC or Pay Per Click

PPC marketing could be the most efficient means of driving traffic. It’s efficient because it is quick, as well as its tracking ability.

When you use Pay Per Click marketing your goal is breaking even. You’re building your list, so making a huge profit isn’t necessary at the moment. By getting 100 people each day added to your list and break even doing it, you’re doing everything right.

The trick to Pay Per Click success is continual testing and improvement. It’s much easier to get something that’s almost working to work than it is to try and start over doing something completely new.

Article Marketing

With article marketing, the payment you make is time instead of money. This process takes a little more time, but stretches your budget a little further because it’s less expensive.

The plan here is to write up some articles, submitting them to different article directories. These directories are searched often, and your articles will be indexed quite fast. If you use appropriate keywords along with good SEO principles, you’ll get more traffic when your articles rank highly.

Generally, article marketing involves doing a lot of work for a little bit of traffic. If you keep working at it though, that little bit of traffic can turn into a whole lot of traffic over time.

Affiliate Marketing

Here’s the secret to affiliate marketing: Good statistics. Most Internet marketing experts agree that it’s usually best to test your stats using AdWords or other marketing tactics before you approach potential affiliates.

There is a great deal of refining when using PPC. This should be taken care of before you approach any of your potential affiliates. If you start having affiliates promoting your product and conversion doesn’t happen, you have burned all your bridges forever. However, on the other hand if your affiliates promote your product and it does convert, your bridges will be intact and they’ll likely continue promoting your products over and over again.

Besides, unless your statistics are strong, you normally won’t be considered for big JV projects. The majority of the big names aren’t keen on doing business with first timers. There is more of a risk in that scenario of them losing money.

There aren’t many people who wish to use their traffic to test the marketing of somebody else’s business. It’s illogical to expect any of your affiliates to be sending you their traffic without solid conversion statistics from your site.

Getting Squeeze Page Traffic

These are three of the top ways to get traffic your squeeze page. Pay Per Click, Article Marketing and Affiliate marketing once you’re ready. Keep in mind that each one of these techniques alone has been responsible for many businesses’s success. You don’t need to do everything right. Just do one thing exceptionally well and you’re off to a great start.

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