Silly But Not Troublesome Substitutes To Custom Printed Bottle Opener in Five Unusual Scenarios

Opening a bottle of beer has art in it. In absence of a customized bottle opener, you should know how to be resourceful and open a bottle of beer all by yourself. In cases like these, you can constantly obtain a brand new promotional bottle opener because you can afford its easy on the budget rate. Nonetheless, if you want to do a few tricks in such kind of art, here are the things that you can adopt as a substitutes for a promotional bottle opener.

Scenario Number One

You are left at home with only bottles of beer to drink. Nonetheless, there is no method to open it. What you can bring about is to acquire your belt and adopt its buckle to open. Additionally, you are damn rich and your younger sister possesses a pair of ice skates, employ it blades into full effect by opening bottles of beer. Lastly, capitalize your door handle that is located on the side that is not open and commonly apply a little pressure on it and your bottle is all open for drinking.

Scenario Number Two

You were trapped in an island alone and no one seems to detect your SOS on the shoreline. You can’t drink the ocean water because it keeps too much salt in it. You only have a few bottle of beer left from a plane crash and a fork that you have put to use for your pasta on-board. Well, you don’t have to worry because fork can be awesome substitute to a personalized bottle opener. Just capitalize on one of the fork’s teeth as a lever and push the grooves of the crown up one by one.

Scenario Number Three

In a certainly easy on the budget motel with poor service, you have your own bottle of beer to drink because nothing seem to obtainable in such a crappy accommodation. If they don’t have any promotional bottle open available, you can capitalize on a steel hotel hanger and insert the cap into the hanger and pop it. At least, putting to work such unlikely material you are already compensated.

Scenario Number Four

You are with a friend and you are lying at the top of a 55-storey building watching the stars and moon. Suddenly, a friend threw away your bottle opener and it’s gone. Well, the fun should not stop because you can use the other bottle to open up your booze. Without a doubt, it takes two to tango.

Scenario Number Five

You and your girlfriend have honoring of your anniversary. Despite the fact, the both of you are inside a car and stuck is 2012-like traffic jam. You have bottles of booze but no purchasable bottle opener. Never permit traffic to end your celebration. Of course, look for a place to park first and open your beer bottle putting to work the car seat belt latches. But remember; don’t drink while driving or else you’ll spend your anniversary behind bars.

These instrumental and interesting instruments of opening a bottle of beer devoid of a customized bottle opener might sound fun but it would be manageable if you have a handy and ever reliable bottle opener at hand.

Neela Vazzana is a corporate giveaways adviser on Promotional Bottle Openers & Customized Logo Ice Picks. See posts by Neela Vazzana & know how you can improve your marketing needs.

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