Reviews and Dvd Movies Downloads

When we pick a movie to watch, often the mood we are in plays a big part in what we want to see. So, you will want to find a movie type that fits your mood. We created a list of some movie types, and the films that belong in each specific genre.

The following are action movies: Total Recall, Jaws, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Enemy of the State, and Raiders of the Lost Ark are all action films. You will have action-western, action-action, and action-adventure sub genres to narrow your picks.

Comedy genre films include: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Uncle Buck, and The Pink Panther are all comedy films. To further narrow your search, sub genres are formed. Comedy-sci fi, comedy-romance, and comedy-horror would all be sub genre.

Almost everyone likes drama films. Here are some films in this category: Goodfellas, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and Paths to Glory all fit into the drama genre. Most movies have multiple, or sub genre. Examples would be drama-suspense, drama-mystery, or biographical-drama.

Documentary Films: Documentary films would include One Day in September, Mr. Untouchable, and A Very British Gangster. Documentary movies will be split up into many sub genres, such as documentary-war, science-documentary, or natural history-documentary.

Adventure film list: Adventure films would include 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Legend of the Lost, and Romancing the Stone. You will find sub genres such as adventure-science fiction, adventure-adventure, and adventure-crime.

Examples of science fiction movies: The Fifth Element, The Matrix and Back to the Future are some good science fiction films. Some of the sub genres include science fiction-parody, science fiction-horror, and science fiction-disaster.

Horror film list: Tecas Chain Saw Massacre, Saw, and Frankenstein are some good horror films. Most movies have multiple, or sub genre. Examples would be horror-suspense, horror-serial killers, or horror-comedy.

One of the favorite movie genres is the thriller genre. Here are some famous thriller films: Body of Lies, Fracture, and A Murder of Crows are all thriller films. Sub genres for thriller would include espionage-thriller, epic-thriller, or adventure-thriller.

Some good films in the western genre are The Quick and the Dead, High Plains Drifter, and Open Range. The animation genre movies include Sleeping Beauty, Shrek, and The Jungle Book. The Sting, To Kill a Mocking Bird, and A Street Car Named Desire are noteworthy classics.

Movie downloader sites are a great way to collect a lot of these great movies. Finding a good movie downloader is not difficult. Movie downloads will soon become as main stream as music downloads.

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