Residual Home Business- Missing the Moon but Hitting the Stars

We seem to live in a world where everyone wants to be the big hero. Everyone wants to run for the game-winning touchdown or hit the grand slam in the bottom of the 9th inning to win the World Series. This type of mentality also seems to be the prevailing one in the arena of home business too.

A person could easily be deceived by looking at the myriad of marketing messages that bombard our televisions, newspapers, and computer screens. It seem that everywhere we turn we see that the latest guru has gotten rich doing what he or she claims a childs play.

I often ask myself if it is indeed that easy for some people to make money or are most of these people just yanking our chains. I love seeing stories of success but I have also come to realize that success means different things to different business owners.

To a residual income business owner success could mean adding 5 new people a week to their team and teaching those folks how to duplicate their success. It could mean handing out 2 promotional DVDs a day to potential business partners.

A business owner may not be the hero that saves the day for everyone but they could be the hero for their own business at any given time. A day of saving could include doing the things that help your business stay competitive or making sure everyone else that works with you stays on task.

Small strides often lead to big steps because with each foward movement comes with it more confidence to take major leaps in your busines life. A residual income home business could be the springboard that allows the business heroes of tomorrow to make that leap of faith. Even if we as business owners come up short from time to time any success is still success.

Anything that serves you and your business well is what you should be doing to insure that within time all of your feats will be of the business superhero variety.

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