Real Estate Postcard Marketing Tip: How to Make Direct Mail Copywriting Easier

Do you find it so exhausting preparing your real estate postcard marketing materials? Let me share with you a useful advice on how to make your postcard mailing a lot simpler.

Most of us find ourselves having a tough time writing our real estate direct mails. Although we know what message we want to communicate to our prospects, we find ourselves at a standstill and can’t seem to produce our ideas in the right order. Hence, the simple method we are suggesting is just to start writing, then rework the piece by rearranging our ideas into the proper order.

To implement the jigsaw method of copywriting, you start by simply writing your copy. Write why your customers should use your service, what benefits they’ll receive and provide them with an offer they simply can’t refuse. Follow the standard formula of AIDA. Attention. Interest. Desire. Action.

Sub-headlines are also important to make your copy work. Once you have completed everything and you think you have provided enough information for your customers, you can now print the copy.

Now take a pair of scissors and cut the document into „paragraph size“ pieces. Make sure that each piece you cut contains one – and only one – paragraph on it. (This assumes that you’ve been writing in short bursts of paragraphs all along!)

Next, try to read the document once more. You can now decide if you want to reorder the paragraphs or keep it that way. Make sure though that the entire document is coherent and has a clear information about your offer.

The idea is to put these paragraphs into an order from first to last that will create a complete postcard mailing for you. Once you have every paragraph and subhead in its proper order, rearrange them on your original document in the computer.

No, you’re not quite done yet. Your next step is to re-read this copy again. Decide if you need to create any transitional sentences to make the copy flow better. You may even decide you need to rewrite a sentence or a whole paragraph. You may even decide you need to punch it up some with more action-oriented verbs. A few well placed exclamation points, even a couple of interjections that create excitement.

Go ahead. Make all the revisions you need to. If after that you think your copy would benefit from another printout and another round of jigsaw puzzle working, and then by all means do so. Before you know it, you’ve painlessly and nearly effortlessly, created an effective postcard mailing.

Making your copy has never been more easy and trouble-free. This is how anyone would want to experience making his own effective real estate marketing materials.

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