Real Estate Postcard Marketing Tip: How to Check if Your Direct Mail Copy is Effective

Any real estate investor would want to make his first postcard mailing to be effective. There are simple ways in order to make this possible.

So if a real estate investor wants his real estate direct mail to work, what are the best steps to take?

First you need to outline the problem your potential customer faces. And no you’re not doing this because he doesn’t know what it is. He’s well aware of his problem. But you do this to create a genuine bond with your potential customer.

To have the right Problem Key, your copy must be able to express your prospect’s problem in a way that helps him feel that you fully understand his problem and what he is going through. Hence, before starting any real estate direct marketing campaign, you must know your prospects well.

After you sympathetically outlined his problem, you promise him that you can help him with this. This means you can take that problem and actually eliminate it for him. In this case, his problem is that he needs to sell his house, and fast. Either his house has been on the market for a while with no interest or he’s facing foreclosure. In either case, promise him that you can help him out.

Your copy must also contain the Promise key. Make sure that your customer would feel that there is still hope and that you can provide the solution to his problem. Make a promise that you can get rid of his real estate problem and that your expertise and knowledge would save him from his plight.

In this instance, proof comes in the form of showing him others you have helped, providing him with testimonials of former customers who have worked with you successfully. You can even narrate some heartfelt success stories of how people’s lives have been changed dramatically once they used your service.

Great proof keys are made up of customer testimonials and genuine narratives of prospects like them who were reluctant to sell their homes, but after accepting your offer, discovered that they should have made the decision sooner!

Lastly, you should also include the Price key in your real estate direct marketing copy. Usually, the price is the main concern of every prospect. This time, tell your prospect your offer and how much it would cost him if he doesn’t take it.

Go ahead. Read your latest postcard mailing with the Four „P“s in mind. Did you cover them all? If you didn’t, there’s no time like the fifth „P“ – the Present. Why not sit down right now and rewrite this mailing with these key words in mind?

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