Real Estate Marketing Tactics – Crush the Competition

Every time I see the average real estate professional (realtor, investor, mortgage broker, etc…) using the same dinosaur marketing techniques that their former consultants beat into them, I wonder if they enjoy wasting money and getting crappy results. It’s undeniable that this economic recession is making it hard for for many people in many areas of life. In fact, consumers are not responding to the traditional forms of advertising like before. Eric Hoffer once stated, „In times of change, the learners will inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists!“ In a nutshell, it comes down to adaptability. If you are not adaptable and continue to fight the current technological marketing trends, your real-estate business is certain to become extinct.

Allow me to update you on the Web 2.0 social media juggernaut that is sweeping the globe at an accelerated pace. When you hear the word Web 2.0, it’s just referring to social media and sharing websites like Myspace, YouTube, Facebook, Squidoo, Digg, and the masses of others. Web 2.0 has been credited with reshaping the way individuals and business owners think and communicate online the past few years. There is a worldwide shift that’s been observed when it comes to attracting large amounts of fresh, highly targeted real estate clients for business (buyers and sellers).

For the last few years, I’ve been teaching realtors, real estate investors, and mortgage brokers how to get 5-10 calls every single day from highly targeted prospects without spending one single dime on advertising. This eventually leads to 10-20 new clients every month for my students. What would those kind of numbers do for your business? This insider knowledge that I help instill also allows real-estate professionals to create multiple sources of income through the successful harnessing of social networks while the bulk of the profession is stuck in the stone-age.

I chose to consult other realtors, agents, and investors because of my growing reputation and experience as an innovator with amazing results. I’ve been teaching these people how to reach tremendous abundance by utilizing social media and the incredible power of Web 2.0. With innovative strategies and proven tricks and secrets, you’ll see your business expand overnight. And I’ll even show you how to leverage on the web to amass unexpected streams of income.

People are now trying to copy my video series, and come up with their own programs by calling themselves gurus and charging ridiculous amounts of money to sell you their useless ideas. This is the fast track to no results, and I’m tired of seeing it. Too many professionals have been pulled into this trap, and it’s only made me work harder to teach me students the truth that I discovered. Social media is the wave of the future, and the only avenue to success.

I am the first and only Web 2.0 social media real estate marketing specialist and my techniques are proven and completely innovative. Countless numbers of professionals have discovered more fulfilling, wealthy lifestyles thanks to my teaching. These students are enjoying their lives more, with their increased flexibility, time, and freedom. I can teach you too how to work smarter, not harder; which is the great secret of success. 60 hours a week is a thing of the past. It’s time to live your life and get rich.

Before I go I’m going to share with you a great strategy to use today when taking the necessary steps to brand yourself and your business on these social media sites. Don’t skimp; tell your story in about 6 paragraphs. Talk about your life and obstacles, the paths you’ve taken, and where your journey has led you today. Think of it as a heartwarming story. How about a title like:“Who is (Your Name)?“ When people see and know that you’re a real person, they are 10 times more likely to give you their business. What’s your motivation, and why are you in the business of helping people? People don’t like ads thrown in their face, so make it personal; human.

Furthermore, before you start to invite others to view your profile, be sure you’ve created a few blogs. Information and videos will keep people fixed to your page as you strategically build your name and credibility in your local community. I go much deeper into the tested and proven dynamics in my 30 step-by-step video training tutorials at the site below. Take heed to these concepts and start to immerse yourself in the quickly growing Web 2.0 phenomenon. If done in the certain way I discovered, you’ll have all the real estate business you want and be able to create residual income with little effort.

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