Quixtar Top Earner Secrets Revealed: Improve Your Quixtar Profits

Quixtar network marketing reps: Stop pestering friends and family about your opportunity.. Learn the strategies 7-figure earners are quietly using to build enormous businesses.

If you seek to become a top earner, you need a way to promote to thousands of people- not just to the small number of friends and family network marketers are taught to approach.

You’ve got to learn to acquire customers and business partners the way nearly all legitimate businesses do: through marketing!

Below are 3 strategies 7-figure earners taught me I have successfully used to take my business to an entirely new level:

– Solve Your Attrition Problem

More than 80 percent of the people in your Quixtar organization will quit the business within the first year. Quixtar business builders are taught two tactics to boost retention, but each strategy creates other problems.

1) Method one is to assist new Quixtar distributors to make money right away, so they get an early taste of success and want to stick around. By attempting to get every new Quixtar distributor making money right away, you end up devoting a HUGE amount of time on the people least capable of sponsoring new Quixtar reps themselves. This takes focus away from your best people, the top 20% of your Quixtar downline that will drive 80% of all your income. Spending most of your time on the weakest 20% of your people just fosters dependency.

2) The second approach is to get your Quixtar downline members to feel part of the team, something bigger than themselves, so they want to stay part of the group. Live team events, Quixtar team conference calls, and one-on-one coaching can foster a sense of team. This approach takes up time and can also make your people dependent on you. You’ll end up with many underperforming team members who stick around for the team connection but sponsor few or no people into Quixtar.

You’re a business owner, not a group therapist. A totally different approach to addressing attrition is not to try to increase retention, but to make attrition almost irrelevant to your business. To make attrition less of a problem, promote affiliate products to your prospects, which can easily add more than 10 affiliate income streams to your business. By diversifying your revenue sources, you are not as reliant on Quixtar for income. When you depend less on your downline for income, attrition matters less. A second way to make attrition less important is to promote a high ticket opportunity that pays commissions of $1,000 or more per sale. In contrast, most network marketing comp plans such as Quixtar pay a $50-$100 sign-up bonus for each new rep you sponsor, forcing you to build a large team and build a large residual check to make a full-time income. If you earn a commission of $800 or more each time you sponsor a new rep, it’s like you’re earning 3-4 years of residual income checks up front, so it doesn’t matter if this new person quits, because you get paid so much up front. This makes retention a non-issue.

– Win Inside

Network marketers in Quixtar and similar opportunities tend to get too focused on tactics and skills. They don’t devote enough time and effort to adopting the right mindset. Skills such as recruiting and sponsoring do make a difference. But there is another area you must strengthen that’s much more important to your Quixtar results.

Your frame of mind, beliefs and habitual thoughts are the largest driver of your success. You’ve got to win inside in order to succeed in Quixtar.

Your habits are going to determine your level of success. Something that’s habitual is something that requires little conscious effort. You do the thing without making a big deal out of it. Turn your Quixtar critical business activities into habits. Do work on your business five or six days a week.

You also need to develop inner strength to overcome all obstacles. It’s more difficult to succeed as an entrepreneur than you might realize. Attend transformational workshops and work with a coach.

– Attract Prospects To You As Opposed To Approaching Them

The majority of Quixtar reps are taught to make a list of friends, family and others to approach about their opportunity. Making a list is a short term tactic only.

That’s when reps start running around asking strangers they meet to take a look at their business opportunity. Approaching strangers about your business is not going to create solid results. What are the odds a total stranger is going to be interested in and have the skills to thrive in your Quixtar business? Pretty slim.

Don’t approach random people about Quixtar. Set up your marketing so prospects approach you about Quixtar. There are many benefits to attracting prospects to you instead of chasing them:

– You’ll sponsor more people in far less time. You’ll make a lot more money for your investment of time.

– You’ll earn a lot more in your business because you can sponsor a lot more reps.

– Less hassles and more free time.

Your positioning needs to change if you’re going to attract prospects to you. You should not position yourself as a business owner seeking to grow his organization. You’ve got to position yourself as someone who can teach network marketers how to grow their business, no matter what MLM they promote.

Publish a blog with articles and video clips that educate networkers business and marketing tactics. A portion of your readers and viewers will see you as a mentor and seek you out to join your business.

Eduardo Kooliantra has educated thousands of business owners how to grow businesses like Quixtar. Go to his website to learn to grow your Quixtar Products business.

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