Quit Your Dayjob For Clickbank?

Are the Adsense ads for „Affiliates: $537 per Day – Quit Your Job With ClickBank“ for real?

Wait a minute – I hope you aren’t thinking you could go quit your day job so you can be an affiliate marketer. If so, here is why I recommend that you don’t:

* Affiliate marketing is volatile – You have no way of knowing where the market is going to go in six months, a year, or five years. Just because you managed to make $5,000 last month does not mean that its going to stay that way. Websites fluctuate in traffic, popularity, and relevance all the time- Ive had sites that were making $200 a day drop to less than $10 a day for seemingly no reason. It will take work, patience, persistence, and a bit of ingenuity to ensure that your income continues to grow. Until youve got $10,000 in a bank account and all of your expenses paid, do not quit your day job. Why throw away a solid income for hopes and dreams?

* Competition is the name of the game with Affiliate Marketing. You won’t even be able to tell your friends or family the name of your websites for fear of competition. Competition that will take away from your income, and when you are spending money to make money it will really cut into your profits. Affiliate Marketing can be done from anywhere there is an internet connection. Your competition will come from the other side of the world or the opposite hemisphere wherever the internet is available. Are you happy with this competition? If not, don’t quit your day job.

* Affiliate marketing moves fast. It doesn’t take long to either lose money or to make it. As soon as the traffic comes in you have to be on top of things to make any necessary corrections. You can’t hang around the water cooler expecting things to change. Affiliate marketing requires you attention 24 hours a day. No weekends off either.

All of that being said, I should mention that Im not a complete hypocrite for working full time as an affiliate marketer. There are many reasons why you should take up affiliate marketing full time:

1. Affiliate Marketing is SO Lucrative. In no other business can you make over $500 the day you start. I’ve seen a little eight page website with a few images make over $10,000 in profit in less than four months. Finding a way to help people do what you want them to do can provide absurd profits.

2. Evolution is taking hold in the Affiliate Market. This business changes daily. If trying out new things to see what works and what doesn’t then this may be the niche for you. You can try different marketing methods and sales techniques on a day to day basis and when you succeed, you can become the leader of the pack.

3. Talk about FUN! It is hard not to get a thrill out of Affiliate Marketing. I get up, go work out, come home, work on my marketing, check my bank account and grin all the way to the bank. All the while knowing I’m being paid to sleep or go to the park which really makes my life.

In truth, an offline job provides steady reliable income. Continue to supplement your offline income while growing your Affiliate Marketing income. When the day comes that your are making more than $8,000 a month online, stick with the day job.

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