Sales can continue to increase in a recession. During a time like this, it is important to understand how you can increase sales in a manner which is productive with your business expenditures. A prospecting firm can be one of the lowest and most productive ways to increase sales during a recession.
Prospecting firms offer advantages because their salespeople are comfortable on the phone. There are many salespeople who are good at selling but struggle on the telephone. Using a prospecting firm will allow your salespeople to be productive doing other activities while the prospecting firm can build a list of prospective new clients for your business.
A prospecting company can allow you to reduce phone time with those not interested. This frees you up to work on the more productive activities in the business which can generate more customers or prospects, leading to lower new customer costs.
You can turn your attention to meeting the people who are interested in your business. Using a prospecting company can allow you to track your return on investment so that you can increase sales but you know what it will cost to get to where you want to be.
Most businesses struggle with inconsistent sales to new prospects. You are able to delegate the finding of prospects out to a prospecting company and the building of the sales pipeline will lead to more sales, lowering your cost to find new clients.
If people hate a part of their job like outbound telemarketing, they will procrastinate and this hinders your new sales. This causes their productivity to decrease and your cost per client to go up whereas using a prospecting company can allow the telemarketing to be a fixed cost and you do not have to worry about salespeoples productivity because of telemarketing.
With the focus on new business, many customer oriented salespeople do not have time to meet with current clients. They will have good telemarketers with set scripts who can sell cost conscious individuals and businesses on meeting with you to lower their costs, which can increase your sales.
Any serious outbound telemarketing company will have a telephone automation system. This is a simply a piece of technology doing the dialing which can allow a prospecting company to hit five times the number of prospects your salespeople can hit.
It is hard to know how many new customers you will receive by using your salespeople. of clients you want based upon how much work they do for you. This can allow you to build this into your budget and the cost for an outbound telemarketing company is lower than a new hire, lowering your cost per acquisition of new client.
An outbound telemarketing company can be your new customer strategy so that you can reallocate your human capital within the business to what they do best. This can give you the ability to delegate employees to their most profitable activities such as closing meaning more business can be created from fewer people, lowering your costs.
Businesses are either growing or contracting. There is no reason to focus on simply staying put so use a recession to your advantage. In what other time can you pitch to people with less competitors than during a recession?
A recession merely is important in making you refocus how you pitch your product.