Professional Real Estate Investors? Secret Revealed: How Powerful Headlines on Postcards Can Create Strong Customer Response

It?s true! And you know it! It’s a cardinal rule of direct marketing and as a real estate investor you need to keep it uppermost in your mind if you want to succeed. And while you may think this is only true for longer direct mailings in other industries, it?s even more important with a postcard mailing.

You have to create stronger headlines for postcards because you have limited space to get your message across. Your headline should be direct to the point but at the same time, powerful enough to grab your customers? attention. That is the trick why some real estate investors acquire new customers on a daily basis.

How can you make strong headlines? Use the direct marketing formula, What’s in it for the customer? You need time to think this over because effective headlines usually don’t get written instantly.

Take time and gather your thoughts. Create a list on your customers? benefits. How will he benefit from your service?

Once you have sort out your ideas, its time to come up with a powerful headline. Go over through them not once, twice but many times. One useful tip is to use the plural tense that’s right because it highlights the numerous benefits. Sprinkle with action words these make your customers sit up and take notice.

You will also notice that some of your most promising headlines are related. Merge these headlines into one strong headline. You may still end up with a few distinct headlines. Test these different headlines if they can effectively meet the direct marketing standard: What’s in it for the customer? Remove the ones that may be creative but don’t pass this test.

You?ll discover that once you start this exercise, you?ll have variations around a certain theme. Some ideas will automatically drop out because others will seem to much more effective. That’s exactly what’s supposed to happen. As you cross out the ideas you consider the weaker ones, you?ll be left with only the strong ones.

As you develop these stronger ones, you may not want to narrow it done to a single headline. Maybe you have two or even three headlines you like. That’s fine. Why not use them all? Yes, use all three of these. If you truly believe all fill the bill of answering the question What’s In It For Me?? then use all of these headlines. This could be a wonderful opportunity to test the effectiveness of them. In this way you can discover with one works the best. In the next mailing you may want to use only the strongest of these then.

It will take a lot of time and patience. Remember, Rome was not built in one day. You’ll have to do some trial and error at first but once you get the right ?formula? everything will flow smoothly after.

These benefits are the diamonds you use in crafting masterful headlines for your real estate postcard marketing campaign.

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