Price Increases Make Marketing More Challenging

Each year, thousands of companies consistently raise prices to increase margins and offset growth in various costs. For anyone working in corporate America, you are quite familiar with this tactic. For marketers, rising costs are always a challenge.

As marketers, when we have to market and sell the same items at a new, higher price, we may find that the tradition campaigns become less effective. This is especially true when we hear objections from our customers. If there have been little or no changes to a given product, then it is next to impossible to overcome objections related to price.

A key concern among marketing professionals is that customers will quickly move to a competitors product as soon as they hear the words price increase. This is especially true in markets where your competitor has a similarly priced product. There is always someone else that your customer can buy from. The good news however is that few customers migrate because of price increases.

There are a number of factors that explain why this is the case. Also, one must consider the cost to the customer to start from scratch. This has both and emotional as well as financial component.

Customers have been conditioned to find the sale or ask for a discount. When introducing a price increase, customers do not want to incur the full impact. This is why they will continue to ask for discounts even after a price increase has been stated. As noted above however, even with a price increase, customers are not necessarily going to leave you.

Below I list just a few things to consider before communicating a price increase to customers. Do what you can to lighten the load or simply divert attention to something of greater value.

Add value that is greater than or equal to your price increase. Customers do not want to pay more for the same old thing. When they do, their perception of value diminishes. Provide additional services, support, or terms to deliver additional value that is substantiated by price.

Focus on switching costs. If a customer has to leave you, there are direct and indirect costs associated with doing so. Make a list for yourself. By moving to a new vendor, does you customer have to pay a new fee of some sort? Will they lose money by canceling with you or your services? How much time and effort do they need to put into finding a new vendor?

Segment your price increase. Not all customer are equal so treat them differently to make the transition smooth and get the biggest bang for your buck.The truth of the matter is that your customers are different. Some have been doing business with you for a long time. Others are working with you for the first time. Your price increase should be reflective of the individuality of your customers.

In closing, one thing to keep in mind is that you should really understand who your customers may consider purchasing from if you weren’t providing them products or services. Then, be sure to understand what their pricing structures look like.

If you have a stronger package at a better price than you competitors, switching is not an issue. If your offering is less valuable and more expensive, then perhaps you need to reevaluate your pricing. As a marketer, your job is to create a perception of value or remedy for a given need. Identify that need and focus your messaging on meeting that need. When you do, price is rarely an issue.

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