Planning Out Your Blog at the Beginning

When you are starting a new blog, there are several things that you need to plan from the outset. What will your blog be called? What kinds of topics will it cover? How often do you intend to post? What will your writing style be? The rest of this article will look at those aspects in more detail.

What Will Your Blog Be Called

The first decision to be made is of course the name (and domain) of your blog. There are general two choices – using your own name or using a name related to the primary topic of the blog.

If you are branding yourself with the intention of marketing your personal services then naming your blog after yourself is a great move as you will always be able to use it to promote what you. This is especially useful if you’re not sure what direction your blog will move in over time. But if you are building a blog around a specific topic which may not be part of you long-term then you may be better off with a niche-related name and domain.

What Topics Will You Blog About?

Many new bloggers start their first blog by just blogging about anything that comes into their head and end up with a broad range of largely unrelated topics. This is not all that efficient as many readers simply don’t have time to wade through posts they are not interested in and it makes it more difficult to target monetization efforts.

When it comes to writing your posts you will be able to organise them into categories which makes it much easier for new readers to find your posts and its easy for them to see at a glance what your blog is about. When you just post a mish-mash of posts on all sorts of topics that are not really related then it can be more difficult to turn a one-off visitor into a regular subscriber.

Setting a Schedule for Blog Posts

Many people advise you to blog every day when launching a new blog with the theory being that the more you post the more people will come to your blog. However many blog readers find that blogs that post every day or even multiple times a day are simply too much and they can’t keep up with them.

In my experience, the actual posting schedule really doesn’t matter all that much. Many readers will consume their blogs via RSS feeds and will read your posts at their convenience, not yours. There are many successful bloggers that only post once a week.

One trend that I see with many blogs is that the blogger starts out enthusiastically by posting every day or even many times per day but over time he either loses steam, finds it too time consuming or simply runs out of stuff to say and then the schedule starts to slip and the posts become less frequent. This is noticeable to the reader and it does not look good!

A much better idea is to start off with a gentle posting schedule (you wont have many readers at the start anyway) and if you feel that you want to do more, to increase it slowly over time. Don’t do it the other way around!

What Is You Writing Style?

Your writing style is a slightly tricky area. Your writing is a reflection of who you are, what your opinions are, your values and passions etc. A blog is all about the writing and in my experience when bloggers do best when they write freely from the heart in their own unique style.

I would recommend that you simply write in whatever way suits you. Everybody is different. Some people are conservative in their writing, others like to use language as a shock factor, some like controversy, others prefer a dry factual style. None of these are right or wrong – simply be who you are.

The only area where I might suggest that you alter your default style slightly is that of post length. A blog that is publishing 10 posts a day would probably do better with shorter, snappier posts than a blog that is publishing only once per week.

You can never please all the people all the time anyway so trying to change your posting style to suit one particular group is futile. The people who like your style will hang around and those who don’t will go elsewhere. This is the simple truth and it’s not something to worry about at all!

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