Opt-In EMail Marketing Sales Explosion Ideas for Your Business

Every business can benefit from a opt-in email marketing campaign. By ‚getting opt-in prospects‘ for your email marketing campaign, you will send info only to people interested in your product or service. The click-through or order rate will be much higher due to the opt-in-based approach.

Opt-in email marketing is simply another way to advertise your products, services and business to gain additional income. The basic idea is to advertise or use advertising services that can tailor your marketing campaign to only those prospects who have already asked for your product or service or who have recently bought similar products or services from others.

Opt-in email marketing is legal if you follow all of the rules. The key is to get a person to voluntarily release their contact information to you with the agreement that they will be receiving information from you via email only on subjects you describe. You can continue to send emails to that person for as long as you like on the subject matter you have agreed to, as long as you dont abuse that trust and privilege.

Always keep your topics relevant to that which your subscribers expect. If your opt-in email marketing campaign is supposed to be about coupons and discounts from „Mike’s Pizzaria“ and you send an email to them about hardware specials at „Joe’s Hardware“, you might disappoint your readers. Use your opt-in email marketing campaign responsibly for best results. Give your prospects what they signed up for all the time.

Whether you use a dedicated advertising company or not, an opt-in email marketing campaign relies on what’s known as an autoresponder. These incredible software applications make it possible to automate your entire campaign as they can be programmed in a number of ways, depending on what your specific requirements are. In the vast majority of cases, a prospect will be required to share their contact details with you via an opt-in form on your website. Once they have submitted their name and email address, it will be automatically stored in the autoresponder and the prospect will receive confirmation. Now, depending on how you wish to proceed with your campaign, the autoresponder can automatically send out your marketing emails either on a regular basis or else only when you want it to.

If you’re serious about your business and you long to see an increase in sales then the time to get an autoresponder is now. Being in a position where you’re fortunate enough to have the contact details of all your prospects affords you the opportunity for targeting them with your advertising material, whether it’s special offers, bonuses, or simply subscriber-only discounts.

Who uses opt-in email marketing? We get emails from Target, Sears, Microsoft, Dominoes, Quiznos, Merchant Tire, Zappos, Red Bull and more. They all use opt-in email marketing campaigns to pad their bottom line. I opted-in so they could send me their emails and they do. Every small business can use opt-in email marketing successfully. The possibilities are endless!

Is opt-in email marketing suitable for home businesses? It most certainly is, providing of course that the type of home business you have can be marketed via the internet.

Would you like more detailed information regarding autoresponders or even a free trial? Simply opt-in using the form below and you’ll receive a free 12 part report.

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