Mobile Marketing Leeds – SMS, Bluetooth And The IPhone

Mobile marketing is somewhat of an ambiguous term for those who aren’t sure of its meaning. It’s difficult to simply drop straight in and start you campaigns without knowing the major utilities at your disposal and just how far they reach. Incorrectly distributed resources can potentially leave you in trouble, while well distributed resources can leave you with thousands of potential customers considering your products.

Short Code And Long Code Messages. Mobile phones allow for short code and long code messages to be sent to their phones. It’s an effective way to advertise, as it can vary in terms of distribution. Short code focuses on using locational advertising, such as the consumer needing to be at the brand’s event or store. When there, they will receive the appropriate messages. Short codes consist of 5 or 6 digit numbers assigned to individual mobile operators for use in their brand campaign. Additionally, all campaigns are checked out before distribution.

Long code is based on the international phone number format and allows businesses to function with their own individual number, rather than having to share one with other brands. It is mostly used for inbound numbers on a non-premium level and can replace short code in this respect.

Bluetooth marketing Bluetooth allows for hotspot-oriented content distribution, though it requires permission before the actual transfer begins. It has many benefits though, such as high-speed transfer and the technology is based on radio signals, meaning it is free of charge. While it is still in its infantile stages, some companies are beginning to make full use of this method of marketing.

App Store And The iPhone. Binding together the mobile phone and the internet, the iPhone has achieved what most other mobile phones have always had difficulty with: bringing mobile internet to millions of users and making it popular and easy to use. As such, it created millions of potential consumers who make full use of the Internet and app store. These provide excellent methods of con distribution, as it allows direct marketing through the app store or indirect by providing content distribution with the apps themselves.

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