MLM Opportunities – Is Long Term Residual Income Still a Reality?

Some online business gurus are starting to express a belief that MLM opportunities are no longer a viable home business option.

The attractive lure of MLM, residual income, is no longer a reality. People are leaving MLM downlines right and left, seeking newer and more profitable opportunities.

Are these statements true? Let’s look at two of the things we hear.

– attrition from existing MLM downlines, caused in part by opportunity hopping, is going to continue to increase

– more and more emphasis will be placed on recruiting as existing downline members jump to „better“ opportunities

Why is this happening? Consider the reality here. We live in a day and time where the dynamics of finding and retaining new associates for our MLM opportunities is becoming more challenging.

Consider how MLM businesses were built before the Internet. You had small local groups. Information was presented at meetings near your home, and if you signed up you would often know other people in the business personally.

In that environment, you had closer connections because most everyone was local and knew who you were. There was often more of a bond between distributors and the group leaders. Exposure to competing MLM opportunities was minimal.

In MLM today, distributors are exposed to more new opportunities and greater temptation to switch to something else than ever before. It must be considered and dealt with.

Two things to help you address this:

– contact your downline people often, and get to know them and what they are wanting from their business

– plug them into your training and help them start making money quickly

What would you think is the top reason people leave one business to join another? It’s often frustration from not making enough money. If a person gets started fast and makes some decent income in the first couple of months, they are more likely to stick and not jump ship.

Keep this in mind as a priority – help your new people to start making money right away. Most MLM opportunities have „fast start“ bonuses for doing certain things. Focus on helping your new downline team members capitalize on those opportunities and start making some money as quickly as possible.

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