LifeVantage Top Earner Secrets Revealed: Improve Your LifeVantage Profits

Lifevantage network marketing reps: Stop pestering friends and family about your opportunity.. Learn the strategies 7-figure earners are quietly using to build enormous businesses.

If you seek to become a top earner, you need a promotion strategy to implement because you’ll run out of friends and family to approach.

It’s imperative you master the basics of marketing- like any real business

I’ve been groomed by 6 and 7-figure income earners who taught me the following strategies we quietly use to build large businesses:

– Increase Your Value

Network marketers in companies such as Lifevantage focus way too much on Lifevantage, the comp plan, the system, and their upline. So they lead with Lifevantage’s products or the Lifevantage opportunity in their marketing.

This approach is a HUGE mistake. On the Internet, people simply do NOT care about how great Lifevantage is! These frustrated networkers ARE NOT seeking a new opportunity. Even one you stand behind such as Lifevantage!

On the Internet, your target market is network marketers who have not experienced success yet. They are seeking a guide who can coach them to be successful The network marketing company this leader promotes is secondary.

You absolutely must position yourself as a coach/trusted advisor who can help your prospects succeed in their home based business. To position yourself in the marketplace as a trusted guide, teach your prospects tips and tactics vital to their business success.

If you’re thinking, But I don’t have anything to teach, then you must learn new strategies and tactics. Buy training courses, subscribe to membership websites, and attend live events so you are learning new skills regularly. You don’t need to master EVERY aspect of marketing.

But if you pick one tactic, such as how to do home meetings for your Lifevantage business, or close more sales, or how to generate traffic and leads on Youtube, or any other tactic, you can stand out. As soon as you begin teaching your prospects, many of them will begin to see you as their coach and mentor On the front end of your business, don’t pitch your Lifevantage opportunity, instead teach the skill you’ve been mastering.

– Increase Your Immediate Income

Marketers in Lifevantage and similar companies spend way too much time and energy trying to build a long term residual income. As a result, they end up spending much too little time generating revenue in the here and now. These networkers leave a lot of money on the table.

In the long term, you need a very big downline to create a large residual check. But only a tiny handful of network marketers ever create a large downline.

Attrition is so high that 90% of your organization will quit within the first 12 months. Trying to create a huge downline is definitely not the way to maximize your income.

You’ll earn a lot more by ramping up your short term revenue. Focus on the revenue you derive in the first three months of acquiring a new rep or a new customer.

There’s two basic places you earn income in the short term:

First, promote products such as instructional courses and tools that pay you affiliate commissions. Profit from the 95% of people who do not join your network marketing business.

Another source of immediate income is the commission you earn from sponsoring people into a high ticket opportunity. A lot of opportunities like Lifevantage only pay out fifty to a hundred dollars for every person you enroll.

It’s significantly more profitable to market an opportunity that pays commissions of $1,000 or more per signup. Add a high ticket opportunity to your business. Your up-front revenue will increase dramatically.

– Stop Making Excuses

Making excuses is one of the biggest problems I see among network marketers in companies such as Lifevantage. Somebody decides they want to start a business. For a few weeks, they’re all excited. Then they get frustrated because things are harder than they expected. They end up quitting.

Almost every time, what these people say sounds like this:

– I don’t have time

– This costs too much money

– It’s too hard

These are merely excuses. As an entrepreneur, you are likely to feel like you don’t have enough time to invest into your Lifevantage business. For new network marketers, feeling short on money and feeling overwhelmed are also typical.

If you’re making excuses, your circumstances are more challenging than your mindset can handle. No one who goes on to make a lot of money ion network marketing has a lot of money, time and skills when they start.

But we top producers are those of us who did not succumb to making excuses. You become a top earner in part by committing to making the time, finding the money and withstanding hardships.

If you want to make money in Lifevantage, stop making excuses. Making excuses is just a signal your mentality needs to shift. You are going to need to make a huge investment into your own self development. You’re going to need a mindset coach and to attend mindset development seminars. You’re going to need to invest thousands of dollars into your own training and education. Buy the training materials, courses and systems you require to build a thriving Lifevantage enterprise.

Eduardo Kooliantra has coached thousands of people how to build businesses such as LifeVantage. Visit his website to improve your LifeVantage Products venture.

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