Is Procrastination Putting YOU Off?

Ive been meaning to write about procrastination for a long time, but somehow, I just did get around to it Does that sound uncomfortably familiar? Anyone who is breathing runs the risk of suffering from the human condition. Since human beings avoid pain and seek pleasure, we tend to procrastinate despite our best intentions. How can we get around this issue? Did your mama teach you to Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today? Maybe a few suggestions will help get you into gear and assist you to overcome the whole put-off-until-tomorrow-what-you-can-get-out-of-doing-today scenario! Youll do your mama proud!

Set a Goal Lets begin with the notion that you get to the end of your day without accomplishing tasks. That very fact affects and sabotages your next days schedule. Can we agree that you will function more smoothly with a simple To Do list? It may look something like this;

Make the bed, tend to personal care, eat a nourishing breakfast

Get to work before the workplace is crowded and noisy; take care of phone calls and email

Arrive on time for meetings

Errands during lunch time: make dinner reservations for Friday; order flowers for spouses special day

Pick up Chinese for dinner en route home from work Im sure you get the idea

When you and I were Kindergarteners we got a star for our accomplishments. Its no different now; we still like those silver stars at the top of our paper. So GIVE yourself a silver star by drawing a line through each task as it is done and draw a star at the top of your page! Or, buy some silver star stickers from the office supply store. Put that on your To Do list.

Be Accountable If you lack the discipline to make your list and follow through all the way to the silver stars, you may benefit from an Accountability Partner. It may be your other half; it may be your best friend; it could be a business associate. I am privileged to have an Accountability Partner. Here is how I handle that: I email my To Do list in the morning as I begin my workday. I enumerate the projects I plan to tackle, including lunchtime, food prep and exercise time. Before the day is over, I send a progress update. This process takes all of 5 minutes and it helps me to feel as if I am on track for my projects and the minutiae of my day. If you are a work from home person, you can have a thousand interruptions during any given workday. Double that possibility if you have children in your busy home! Having a plan, utilizing a partner for accountability and sticking to it means you have a much better chance to enjoy the success you design for yourself!

Take a Break Do remember to give yourself a slice of time every day to goof off, throw paper wads, have a leisurely cup of coffee, or just think. If you make time for relaxation you will find yourself to be far more productive. Sometimes you will need a nap. Your body will give you clues: you will feel sleepy or you may find yourself making silly mistakes. You may be yawning or daydreaming. For heavens sake, TAKE a NAP! Just by slipping in a 20 to 30 minute power nap you could be adding years to your life, zip in your energy level and youll boost your immune system! In addition, you will have a fresh perspective for your work. The world will continue to turn on its axis as you snooze and all your work will wait patiently for your return!

One More Point Just because you are seriously accountable to avoid procrastination does not mean you should take yourself and your life too seriously. Remember to laugh, especially at yourself. Find a joke book “ put that on your To Do list, if you must “ and have some fun with your life. Add a short riddle to the list you send to your Accountability Partner and spread the humor around like jam on toast!

Now that you are well supplied with suggestions, do NOT neglect putting at least one of these ideas in place! Remember what your mama said about putting things off? You do NOT want to disappoint your mama!

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