Insider Review Dani Johnson

To put it bluntly… Dani Johnson is a Network Marketing machine! When it comes to showing home based business builders how to recruit new distributors using cold market strategies there is no one better.

When I was first starting out in the network marketing industry, I came across Dani Johnson and her training materials. I implemented some of her secrets into my marketing plan and they definitely helped me to create the six figure income I was able to in under 8 months.

Dani is an incredibly charismatic trainer, with a passion for helping people become successful in their businesses.

She became an early success in her MLM business. Although she did so using methods I would never dream of using personally, those primarily being purchasing and calling cold leads.

Right out of the gates Dani had the skills to be able to pick up that phone and see large amounts of mlm leads join her in her business and creating for her a very sweet pay check… she has done this now in two separate organizations.

After becoming such a big success and creating a reputation as a cold lead rock star… Dani Johnson quickly became a much sought after generic trainer in this industry… eventually doing so full time.

For the most part she really only teaches people how to recruit from the cold market through buying and calling mlm leads… but she is the best at this.

Outside of Dani the only other leader in the Network Marketing industry who is any good at training on cold calling mlm leads is Doug Firebaugh, but I would still recommend Dani over him.

She does also get into a small amount of warm market training that is really good… but most of her trainings are on the cold market.

Prior to marketing on the Web and using it create my own leads based on funded proposal principles, I was a serious student of Dani Johnson. And even use to train her methods to my organization.

But to be truthful… buying and calling cold leads was and is not my style. It turned a fun business into a dreadful experience… people on those lists simply do not want you to call them.

Having said that… if you are one of those people who love to build a business over the phone and do not mind calling strangers who are not expecting to hear from you… Dani is the person you want to learn from… nobody is better suited to show you the skills required to be successful in that area.

Of all of her courses… her script book and audio is the one you should start with… it is her best.

So there is no doubt you would be smart to learn what Dani Johnson has to teach you, however… also take the time to study attraction marketing principles… it really is a much better way to market to the cold market.

Want to find out more about Dani Johnson, then visit Robb Corbett’s FREE Training on how to choose the best Dani Johnson Script for your needs.

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