How to Turn Company Apparel into Company Swag and Increase Sales

When most employees think of company apparel, they think of cheesy t-shirts, ugly mugs and wimpy mouse pads. And, it gets buried in the back of the closet or collects dust on a desk, never to be pulled out again.

But that can be changed. How? By turning company apparel into the more popular company swag, And the difference between the two? The following will give you insight. Once you understand what these differences are, you’ll have employees vying for the company swag. And, theyll be more productive as well.

2 Ways to Turn Company Apparel into Company Swag

Rebrand Your Company Apparel: Think of the phrase company apparel as compared to company swag. Which sounds cooler, more hip, more interesting? Company swag, of course.

Everybody wants what’s cool, hip, now. That’s what swag is its the must-have thing of the day/season. Apparel doesn’t evoke these kinds of images, this kind of emotion. Hence, the first thing you need to do to rebrand company apparel is to stop calling it that and start calling it company swag. If your firm has a company catalog, it can be called XYZ Company Swag: Get It While Its Hot! You get the idea. This is much better than The XYZ Company Catalog. You’ll have employees thumbing through it, looking for their swag, instead of collecting dust in the company break room.

Shake Up the Company Apparel Offerings: While certain intangibles are fixed (e.g., the company logo), there’s a lot you can do to shake up company apparel offerings. For example, you could offer apparel ion various styles; change the location of the company logo; and/or offer apparel in the latest hot colors of the season.

Company apparel should not and does not have to be staid and boring. Just doing these two simple things can make company apparel some must-have company swag. And, when employees feel good, they tend to be much more productive, making company swag a more than worthwhile investment.

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