How To Supercharge Your Article Marketing In 1 Simple Step

Today I’m going to share one of the absolute best ways (apart from paying Google a small fortune for traffic) to boost your website’s traffic numbers and increase your profits. Let’s face it, there’s just way too much for us average website owners to do when it comes to building content for our sites, attracting targeted visitors, finding affiliate programs that pay well, and everything else we have to do. All this in addition to the other stuff involved in running your business and the range of things that involves.

Focus On The Highest Leverage Strategies

One of the best ways to leverage your time when it comes to building website traffic is to outsource the grunt work while you focus your time on the highest and highest leverage opportunities you can find. One of the most successful traffic generation methods you can use is to write and submit articles to major online article directories. Over the years, I’ve attracted thousands of visitors to my sites with articles, and many of my readers have turned into repeat, loyal customers.

The downside of writing and submitting articles has always been that the actual submission process is a gigantic pain in the butt because it is so labor intensive. But what if there was a way to cost effectively have your articles sent to thousands of webmasters and article directories all over the web by submitting them just once?

Turns out you can, and this is what I’ve been doing lately. It’s helped me to massively increase traffic while spending a fraction of the time doing the work I used to. The key here is to write articles and then let an article submission service distribute them to their thousands of directories and other publishers for you.

Well Written Articles Create Short Term And Long-term Traffic

Writing and submitting articles results in both short term (within a couple of days anyway) and long-term, highly targeted visitors from all over the world arriving at your website to learn more about you and what you offer. You establish yourself as a knowledgeable expert in your field and start to build great credibility with your target market. Honestly, there’s no real downside from writing and submitting quality articles. And there’s a LOT of plusses!

The main one being that your traffic flow is pretty much untouched by Google’s ongoing algorithm changes (or the Google-slap as it is known) and, a wide network of articles submitted to various sites have proven to be a more reliable long term source of targeted visitors for many people than relying on search engines and your website’s normal traffic alone.

You can always submit your articles yourself (if you’ve done this, you’ll already know that it’s a painful and very time consuming process if you want to submit them to a lot of directories), but you get massive leverage when you let someone like an article submission service do it for you because you save your most valuable asset – your time.

One A Week Is All It Takes

I normally try to write and submit at least one article every week. The submission service editors check it and then send it out to their list of thousands of contacts within a day or two. I can then use the time I used to spend submitting articles much more productively (and profitably) while at the same time doing something I’d rather to be doing.

One of the biggest and most empowering tips I can share with you is to start outsourcing as much of this labor intensive work as you can. Since I started doing outsourcing, my free time and my productivity have tripled; I highly recommend you do it too as soon as you can. Important Tip – your article resource box needs to send your readers to a page where they can opt-in to your newsletter database and not directly to your website’s home page (I made this mistake for a long time) so you have a chance to follow up with them.

If you make your site’s Most Wanted Response getting your visitors to opt-in to a list of some sort, your traffic and income will continue to grow over time. Getting a visitor once to your site just once and letting them go without doing your best to capture their contact information is a huge waste. Try your hardest to get them onto a list and they’ll keep coming back to read what you say (and spend money with you) year after year.

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