How To Make Money In Nature’s Sunshine Products

Nature’s Sunshine Products network marketing reps: Stop pestering friends and family about your opportunity.. Learn how 7-figure earners build huge businesses using tactics rarely taught at live events and on Nature’s Sunshine Products webinars.

If you want to become a top earner, the way to do it is to implement a promotional plan that puts your message in front of thousands of people – not merely a handful of friends, family members and people you know.

It’s imperative you master the basics of marketing- like any real business

Read the rest of this article to learn several strategies top 2% earners are using to build large and lucrative businesses:

– Let Others Pitch For You

Using a high caliber presentation is the simplest way to close sales. It’s vital the presentation you use is very high quality. This tactic pertains to all the things you are promoting, including affiliate products as well as your Nature’s Sunshine Products opportunity.

There’s probably a small handful of people in Nature’s Sunshine Products who are exceptional at presenting your business opportunity.. These people are usually the ones who have generated large incomes and have a lot of credibility. Let the best presenter in your opportunity handle the presenting for you. The percentage of people who sign up will be much higher than if you tried to present on your own.

Stay away from pitching, describing and presenting to people. Make use of recorded presentations on streaming video or DVD format. You will preserve a lot of valuable time this way. Giving a good pitch is a skill that might require years to really do well. Structure, tone, influence triggers, fear of loss, social proof, testimonials, effective copy, NLP and a variety of other elements can go into delivering an effective presentation. There will come a time when it makes sense for you to pitch. Prior to that stage, rely on sales tools created by top presenters.

– Transform Into A Magnetic Sponsor

Someone who is magnetic is someone who others seek out to join their Nature’s Sunshine Products business. It’s usually the case in companies like Nature’s Sunshine Products that people chase prospects. It’s important you establish credibility with prospects in order to be consider magnetic. It’s your job to prove to prospects you have what it takes to lead them.

Build your credibility by teaching. Create instructional content and post it on your blog, on Facebook and elsewhere. Creating a list is the second tactic. Each piece of content should entice prospects to enter their name and email into a form on your website in exchange for more instructional content.

The third tactic is to cultivate a following. As a magnetic sponsor in Nature’s Sunshine Products, you can attract a raving and loyal fan base. Your fans are people that read everything you publish online, every day. These are the people who will be your best customers. The fourth tactic of a magnetic sponsor in Nature’s Sunshine Products is to build trust. It’s vital to help prospects feel they know, like and trust you. Be authentic in your marketing. Teach useful skills. Be consistent. When you are a magnetic sponsor, prospects will approach you to join your Nature’s Sunshine Products business.

– Focus On Marketing More Than Duplication

Traditionally, network marketers in companies such as Nature’s Sunshine Products are taught to keep their business-building activities extremely simple and duplicable by others Focus On Marketing More Than Duplication People in network marketing opportunities like Nature’s Sunshine Products are told they need to keep everything they do simple so people in their Nature’s Sunshine Products downline can duplicate these activities.

How effective is this strategy to keep everything simple so other can duplicate it? For a very small percentage of marketers, this strategy is effective. But for the extreme majority of multilevel marketers in companies such as Nature’s Sunshine Products, keeping everything allegedly duplicable does NOT lead to high levels of duplication.

To prove this to you, look at these stats:

– Only about 1 in 5 people in your Nature’s Sunshine Products downline will sponsor anyone else.

– The minority of people that sponsor anyone will only ever sponsor about 2 or 3 people…ever!

– The remaining 80% of your Nature’s Sunshine Products downline won’t ever do a darn thing.

In other words, the keep-it-simple approach so popular in network marketing has an 80% failure rate!

Keeping everything you do duplicable will NOT maximize your Nature’s Sunshine Products income and it also creates problems few talk about. The most common way to keep it simple is to use warm market recruiting, which is to approach family and friends and present the Nature’s Sunshine Products business opportunity to them. People promote this strategy not because it’s the most effective tactic, but because it’s the simplest.

This strategy can actually lead to people quitting Nature’s Sunshine Products. After a person runs out of friends and family to talk to about their Nature’s Sunshine Products business, they often get frustrated and quit the business because they literally have NO IDEA how to do the one thing that can bring in new reps like clockwork, day in and day out: marketing and advertising. The second problem this friends and family approach creates is it repels high caliber prospects. People with transferable skills and large personal and professional networks such as real estate professionals, professional salespeople, and other business people tend NOT to want to approach family and friends about their opportunity. For many professionals, their reputation is their most valuable asset, and few professionals tend to feel comfortable introducing their associates to a business opportunity with which they just got started.

Should you start your Nature’s Sunshine Products business with warm market recruiting? Without a doubt. But you must learn to market in order to build a real business because you WILL run out of leads. Your best prospects are likely going to want to market their business professionally, not pester friends at cocktail parties. Learn to market online and you can grow a Nature’s Sunshine Products business with less duplication, while you attract higher caliber prospects into your business. If only a few high caliber team members learn to market Nature’s Sunshine Products online, you could build a very large Nature’s Sunshine Products organization.

Eduardo Kooliantra has coached thousands of people how to build businesses such as Nature’s Sunshine Products. Visit his website to improve your Nature’s Sunshine venture.

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