How To Have A Daycare Home Business

Moms are seeking new ways to make money and stay at home nowadays since the cost of daycare is so expensive. In fact, a mom can make some extra money by taking in a couple of children. In most states you are allowed to take in at least two children without being licensed. However, a good idea to obtain a certification in CPR just in case a child ever gets choke in your care.

Finding an area in your house so the children can play is one of the first things to consider when running a daycare. This can be a living room or extra bedroom. Next, you should fill the room with toys. You can even purchase toys from the thrift store. You will also need to purchase some mats and blankets so that the children will have something to nap on while in your care.

Decide on the age of the child you want to take in. Since you will only be taking in two children, you may want them to be around the same age as your own. A good age to take in is a child that is already potty-trained. Create a daily schedule for the children. You may not want to do the same thing every day. You may want to schedule visits to the library for reading time or take a walk to the park if it’s not too far from your home. Always get the parents‘ permission beforehand if you plan to take visits away from your home.

Get a business license from your local city hall. You may not need one, but it’s good to have one just in case. Then you can start to contact friends and family members who may have children that you could keep. You can also post an ad in your local newspaper. When you place your ad, make sure to put all of your contact information and pricing. You want to keep the price as low as possible, but you don’t want to be too cheap.

Finally, you should create some kind of documentation or agreement for the parents to sign. In the agreement include all important information, for example, if you will charge extra for picking up children late. Many daycares charge an extra fee of around $10 for every hour the child is picked up late.

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