Without a steady flow of traffic, no online business will last for very long and this is something all merchants are already familiar with.
Blogs are without a doubt, one of the best online publishing platforms so during the course of this article we’ll be looking at four ways in which to use them to drive traffic to your site.
RSS Feeds
Apart from the fact that RSS feeds are free and that they never require any personal details of subscribers, they can for the most part be compared to subscription style newsletters. Unfortunately, even though most blogging software such as WordPress comes with a RSS feed already built in, most people simply allow it to lie dormant on their blogs. In order to drive traffic to your site by using RSS feeds, you need to submit you your actual RSS feed URL to the maximum number of RSS directories. Providing you do this, all new content you post on your blog will be syndicated to your RSS feed and as a result, the RSS directories will display that content which essentially means that this is the easiest way to obtain exposure to all your new content.
Blog commenting
If like so many other webmasters, you find you’re in need of quality backlinks and plenty of targeted traffic for the purpose of boosting your search engine listings, then it’s highly recommended that you start posting comments on plenty of blogs belonging to other people. As long as comments are meaningful and relate to the blog, the average blog owner has no objection, thus providing you with an ideal opportunity to leave a link back to your own website. Not only does this method produce desirable results as far as search engine ranking is concerned, but it also aids significantly in bringing traffic to your site.
Blogging Guests
There are many advantages to having guest bloggers post their content on your site. Apart from the credibility of your blog going way up (depending on who the guest actually is), you are forming a mini joint venture where the guest is likely to tell his/her own audience about the material on your site, plus you may be able to work out a deal where you can return the favor and get access to their blog audience by appearing as a guest writer on their blog.
A trackback is when one blog communicates with another to inform the bloggers that their material has been referenced on someone else’s post. So if you were to write a really good post, I could write about your post and create a trackback on your blog that tells the readers I’ve been talking about you and your post. Not only can this bring direct traffic, but also provides another backlink to your blog which is great for a little SEO boost. When would this be most effective? Probably when I have a contrasting opinion to your original post or if I have something helpful (or controversial) to add to the original post.
No matter what you’ve been led to believe, it’s perfectly possible to get a phenomenal amount of traffic to your site almost instantaneously when you have the proper information. The four steps mentioned above will certainly help, but in reality they are just the beginning. For a wealth of other helpful information, please be sure to check out a full review on Blogging To The Bank.
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