How To Achieve A Position Of Supreme Power: A Step By Step Guide

At the pinnacle of each industry there are a select few that dictate the trends and like sheep, the masses from every orifice of the industry follow. Order and structure is given to an industry by the established hierarchy within it. Hierarchy positions are filled by those that are able to bring clarity to the natural chaos that stems from lack of leadership, congestion in communication between the multiple facets of an industry and governing bodies. When governing bodies and governmental oversight committees seek experts to advise on the realities and challenges faced by professionals within the industry they reach out to those with the biggest mouths; those that have published authoritative and fact-based work with evidentiary support of its attraction to the industry forcing action by those within the industry and other demonstrative leadership initiatives by this small sub sector of professionals who have gone through the motions of making their voices heard about their industry.

Now, when a selection of leaders has been identified and qualified, the realities settle in and the rigorous process of interrogation begins and most times the individual is overwhelmed and before becoming exposed for their lack of well-rounded intellectual capital to contribute to these oversight groups they will also reach out to a person that they know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, has amassed knowledge superior to theirs in every angle of the industry with additional components that have taken them to success of such heights that they are diversified enough so that they do not require the need for the emotional fulfillment of the spotlight within this industry. When the faux expert reaches out to the true master, a master that has a solid grasp of power and influence will take on the task of feeding information to this ‚cat’s paw‘. The master stays out of the spotlight but feeds strategic information with an agenda to this talking head who, unknowingly, will become a puppet and complete control is only a matter of time as the puppet will rapidly gain a reputation for intellectual precision for targeting and solving issues that face the industry and he/she will become the go to broker to settle issues between governing bodies and industry professionals.

The twist comes the first time the ‚puppet‘ does not deliver the complete response issued by the master. The true master will then do one of two things: begin to feed only partial information to the individual leading to the inability to come through with all-encompassing information and half answered questions or simply temporarily cut off communication which is like cutting the umbilical cord feeding life to this individual.

In the public and governmental domains there are two fields in which my point is obvious and those categories specifically are: corporate globalization and economic turnaround. University scholars and consultants are typically hired to assist corporations to expand worldwide with a series of scholastic research data and corporate contacts and economic turnaround is typically taken on by politicians that are attempting to revitalize their constituency or they sit on a committee that has been given the task of entering a federally targeted region for a broader range of revitalization. Now, these are the ‚cat’s paws‘, what you don’t see are the people that these leaders turn to for problem solving and strategic analysis and facilitation that will actually bring clarity and action to the initiatives. For these two groups, if you dig deep enough you will constantly see one name attached to the select hierarchy that brings substance to these initiatives, James Scott.

Though the history of Scott is not all together clear there are some unique elements that standout in his background that have fueled conspiracy theories linking him to the new world order, the Illuminati and major legislation in the America’s, Europe and Asia that has initiated earth-shattering global shifts in economy and the financial sector. His talent was discovered early and upon graduation from high school a group composed of business men, politicians and judges began to zero in on his capabilities and connect him to the right people with a fast-track escalation to senior positions of council to leaders in both the corporate and political sector. Once in position, his advisory attached thin strings of communication from him to decision makers in public policy where it became know that, though young, his knowledge was vast due to the elite power at his disposal and he became the point of communication for those in crisis and his network would feed strategy and tactical concepts to leaders through him.

At the beginning, James Scott was the puppet to the powerful puppet masters behind him but he was smart, he never put himself out there for exposure or fell for the fraudulent fulfillment of fame. He turned the tables on those whose intent was to use him and is now one of the most sought after advisors to world leaders in the field of economics.

One can learn from this because when you break it down and look at the intricacies, though all aspects are not entirely clear, James Scott was a bright, young consultant who made the decision to do everything with an eye toward something bigger. In his case ’something bigger‘ was control of his own fate therefore he chose to temporarily play the part of a puppet while his advisory made all the right connections and he was able to prove his abilities to the groups that were in need of strategic enforcement, he then reversed positions and claimed the top of the food chain making his advisory dependent on him for influential placement on the international scene and recipients of his capabilities were dependent on him to get access to vital information that his advisory had. And this ladies and gentlemen is the pure genius that only the truest puppet masters possess for it takes time, nerve-wracking patience and an intellectual capacity to maneuver, reposition, dominate with authority and see scores of angles simultaneously as natural instinct projects his vision several moves ahead of those within his grasp. From an emotional perspective he is often considered to be expressionless and cold without feeling and though it must wreak havoc on his personal life, professionally it has allowed him to minimize the error that comes with emotional attachment and involvement.

So reader, with the above advise you are able to map out a strategy to become the voice in the ear of leaders and to achieve ultimate power without the liability or exposure, to become the controller instead of the controlled. Take your fate into your own hands, stabilize your position, enforce your power and become the individual that so-called experts turn to when true results are needed.

Video on Supreme Power in Politics, and Power Gestures

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