Hope Floats In A Bad Economy With E-commerce

In a very short period of time we have seen some interesting changes associated with the internet. When it comes to attracting adult attention the internet sits solidly in the number 2 place behind television. Another demographic change is that adults 55 years of age and over now makeup almost one third of all internet users. This means that today, more then ever before, there is more buying power and prospects available to people wanting to buy and sell over the internet with the different e-commerce or shopping cart solutions now available. Other external factors driving on-line shopping include things such as the recent gas price increases and the move to more environmentally conscious green solutions. One more buying shift will be the change from higher income level families being more likely to purchase over the internet. Because of ease of access, a green consciousness and the cost of getting around more and more people from lower income levels will turn to the internet as well.

In 2008 over $133 B US was spent over the internet in the U.S. alone and this figure is estimated to increase to over $203 B by 2013. In Canada, by the end of 2007, $13.8 B Canadian of on-line consumer transactions had taken place with this number forecasted to grow to $22.8B by 2012. (eMarketer Feb. 2009) Considering such numbers it is safe to say that any business that has the ability to sell On-line and does not is making a strategic mistake. The good news with these growth numbers is that it is certainly not too late to take advantage of on-line shopping and buying and selling over the Internet.

Its difficult at best for anyone who reads a paper or watches or listens to the news to not be feeling down about the current economic reality. As with everything else in life however we can choose to be negative or we can search for the opportunity. And there is plenty of opportunity when we look at the internet. We know that by typing www we have almost instant worldwide fame or infamy. Its easy to get a message or advertisement out to virtually anyone who has an interest in it. When we overlay Shopping Cart technology it becomes even more powerful. Many of us would like to do more for our families and for ourselves but the economic circumstances for many is this is just not possible given what we are bringing home. Internet and e-commerce mean the possibility of multiple income streams are becoming a new option for many. If you have an idea or product and the interest to make them a reality you can also leverage a second or even third income. And the availability of many excellent Affiliate Programs means you don’t even have to have an idea or product right now. You can use someone else’s product or service and represent it while you learn the e-commerce game and work on your own idea.

In today’s economy cash stretched businesses are moving away from the traditionally more expensive advertising methods of Newspaper and Yellow Page ads and are taking greater advantage of both the Internet and the many new Social Advertising media such a Face Book, U-tube, Twitter and more. And here’s why! No matter how bad the economy appears, and although it may appear that it is bad everywhere, there are always pockets that continue to flourish and even prosper. This is why the Internet is such an important technology in this economy. These pockets will change over time as different influences kick in or depart. The constant is that your presence on the Internet combined with your e-commerce abilities, means that your business is always open, always available to these people that are still ready to purchase today.

Just being on the internet ready with an e-commerce solution does not guarantee your success. If your shopping cart has auto-responder capabilities or the ability to automatically send out e-mails thanking your customers for buying and helping them get started, that’s a big plus. But today’s competitive reality means you need more. Everyone is eyeing the internet as a potential safety net but as in any business the individuals working the smartest will be the ones that are most successful. First of all we have to acknowledge that there are two types of buyers. The people ready right now and the people looking to gather information for a future decision. Your success in the now market will be a function of your website, e-commerce solution and marketing strategy when they arrive at the site. Your future shoppers are more of a challenge. They are surfing to gather as much information as they can on their particular area of interest. Once they’ve visited your site you need to begin a multi-media approach of educating and training them on your product or service and provide them the validation they need to accept the fact that your solution is the best and you are recognized as an expert in your area. In this case you need to engage the services of a different expert in marketing. For an example of a company with these credentials check out www.AutomatedMarketingSolutions.com. The social networks such as Face Book, U-tube, Twitter and others are excellent for staying in touch with your prospective market when you want to see how your product or service is being received, for testing ideas and to keep up to date with any negative service issues as they arise. The most important thing to remember is to not limit yourself in how you reach out to your prospects and do not limit the ways they can stay in touch with you.

The last two years have not been kind to large companies and some of their outdated practices have given rise to significant animosity. Ill mention AIG and let it go at that. However, we can still learn from them. For example, a February 2009 report suggests that CMOs or Chief Marketing Officers, in their list of Top 10 Priorities for 2009, list the integration of their traditional media and marketing programs with internet services as number 2. There are obvious advantages of doing this and they include reduced costs and overhead in the marketing departments. For the entrepreneur and the small to medium business these same benefits accrue. An on-line enterprise combined with an e-commerce capability, if properly thought out and marketed, can be the key to a second income and additional peace of mind. It could be a stepping stone to a whole new business. As with everything else in the world however, how effective we are in using these tools to attract, convert and retain will differentiate us and our success.

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