Give Up The Illegal Movie Downloads Habit

The internet has brought many things, but some of them aren’t always good, such as in the case of illegitimate movie downloads. Because they are so common, it is easy to access them without ever getting caught. Ask any young person confidentially and they will likely admit to downloading movies whether for their friends or for their own pleasure at home.

There’s a big difference between illegal downloads and watching personal video on YouTube and other video sharing sites. In the latter, the owner of the video makes a conscious choice to publish what he has produced.

But when somebody posts a movie produced by a company without their permission, he is stealing – and as such, you are as well.

Many people make excuses that watching illegally downloaded movies isn’t harming anyone. Sometimes they even convince themselves that while the downloaders might get in trouble, they are safe themselves. However, this is a dangerously incorrect way to think. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) seriously condemns this practice and tags movie downloaders as „a movie thief whose crimes carry serious legal consequences.“

You wouldn’t deal with stolen goods on the street, and so you shouldn’t have to deal with them online. It can be tempting to get your hands on your favorite movie before it’s available on DVD, but it just isn’t fair to the people who put a lot of hard work into the process. There really aren’t excuses for this kind of behavior. It’s just downright selfish.

It’s hard to imagine the money that would be coming in through fines if every person who ever used illegal downloads was caught. There are stories where it does happen, and companies are usually eager to get these out in the open, heavily promoting all the consequences people faced to get others to stop doing similar things.

Rather discouraging, however, it has done little to raise the concerns of most people, who continue to do what they want.

The fact is, many people just never consider those lowly employees in the movie industry when they download movies. All they know is that they’re getting something they want and that they have very little chance of being discovered doing it. This should be considered justification for this behavior, but unfortunately, in too many cases, it is acceptable.

Try to understand how the people who work on movies feel. They live on the money they make from the film, and they won’t make any when somebody downloads a movie as opposed to buying it.

You put them in a very bad position, and should feel guilty about what you’re doing. It’s a hard habit to give up, but it’s just the not the right thing to do.

People might tell you that downloading movies is okay because you’re only hurting actors, directors, and executives who make too much money already. Don’t listen to them. The majority of workers are underpaid staff and extras, and they need your money, too. Stop having to feel guilty and avoid downloading movies illegally once and for all.

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