Get Going with Google Adwords

There’s no bigger internet advertising option than Adwords, and Adwords has made Google an online giant since the 1990’s internet crash. Google has grown Adwords to offer an astonishing array of new options for building up traffic and generating website revenue. Largely due to Adwords, website designers have transformed the net from a place for your company gimmick to a profit-making dynamo, but before you get going to your on Google Adwords profits, there are a few basics you need to know.

It only takes five minutes to sign up for Adwords ( from your Google account. You can fund your Adwords for just $10. When you log into Adwords for the first time, one thing you will notice is that there are many options. Don’t start your campaign by playing with Adwords display options. Start your campaign by choosing your keywords.

While you can certainly find keywords on services like Wordtracker, the best keywords will be those you think up yourself. That’s because users judge your site (and Google ranks your pages) on the basis of content, not just keywords. If a keyword has a great KEI and seems like it would roll in traffic for you, it won’t do you any good?and could do you real harm?if you don’t have useful content to match.

Where do you get your list of keywords? Start by brainstorming. Think of a list of keywords your customers would search for, making sure, of course, that they could find the content they want on your site. It’s OK to plug them into the keyword suggestion tool, but just because a keyword pops up that promises to bring lots of traffic, don’t pay for it, unless it matches your site. Many keyword suggestions will not be very useful for you, but anything that stands out as having a high search volume and low competition and also describes your services is a good place to start.

Limit the number of keywords you use in your first campaign. You won’t be able to test your results, at least you won’t be able to test your results very easily, if you start with more than 10 to 15. More than 15 keywords can make it very hard to control your budget while you are waiting to find out if the keywords generate revenue. Next create a single ad, direct, to the point, and suggesting at least one major feature of your site. When you have your keywords, and your ad, then it’s time to set your budget.

Most site owners who use Google Adwords set budgets on a daily rate. This means that if your budget if $100 a day, Adwords will run ads until your $100 is spent, and not run any more that day. The cycle starts again the next day, assuming there are funds or credit for your Adwords account. You can also set your campaign to run just certain hours of the day, if you think you will get more actual customers at one time of day or another. Or you can program your campaign to spend money evenly through the day. Be sure to set your demographic targets, city, state, country, continent, or world, appropriately for your sales goals. If you are selling bikini wax, for instance, you probably don’t want to run your ads in Saudi Arabia.

Google Adwords puts you in charge of how your ads appear and who sees them. It puts you in charge of when your ads appear on the net, and how much you pay for a click. Matching your choices to your profits will make Google Adwords your very best tool for expanding your traffic and growing your profits.

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