Five Simple Tips for Effective Article Marketing

A lot of people believe that if they type out a few articles on a website they are able to start making the big bucks. This is not the case; there are some things you have to remember when you are marketing your articles that will help you along the way and hopefully have you raking in the money in no time.

1) Start by defining your audience. You should write articles on topics your target audience wants to read about and use a tone they can relate to. As you write more articles, you should keep track of which ones are the most popular among your audience so you can write more articles on this topic or use the same format again. Do not hesitate to experiment with different formats: you could write interviews, top 10 lists, use pictures or videos, record a podcast of your article or sum up the information in an info-graphic.

2) No one wants to read an article that has bad content. It is pointless and you have wasted your precious time. Your articles should have interesting information that will keep your reader intrigued and perhaps they will link your article to their social networking sites. Your article should also be free of any errors. You do not want to look like you do not know how to spell or use proper puncuation. You do not have to be an English professor but it should be written good enough that the average reader will be able to comprehend it.

3) Your articles should be central to your social media marketing efforts and to your newsletter. Think of your weekly articles as quality content you can share with your audience. Share links to your latest articles on social networks and encourage people to comment on these updates by asking them for their opinion. If you write fun and original content, your readers will be more likely to share your articles with their friends. Keep track of which articles are shared the most and create more similar content. You should also include some of these articles in your monthly newsletter: perhaps you could keep a few articles for the release of your newsletter and feature your most popular articles of the month.

4) Do more research about article directories and submit your articles to the directories your target audience uses. All the articles you submit should contain links to more content on your site or blog. Some directories will let you set up a profile: use your real name and encourage readers to contact you or visit your site for more information on the topic you are writing about. This is a good way to develop a reputation as an expert on your topic.

5) You should also submit your content to webmasters, bloggers and magazine editors who target a similar niche. Your content will be accepted by these people if you are recognized as an expert on your topic. You should also think about participating with online encyclopedias, message boards and sites such as Yahoo Answers to share links to some of your articles and keep looking for new ways to share your content.

Apply these tips to develop a good article marketing strategy. You should be able to reach out to your audience and establish a reputation as an expert if you apply yourself and write quality articles on topics your audience is interested in.

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