Finding 20 MP3 Players

Mp3 players have really begun to grow in memory size over the last couple of years. Along with size increases have come changes to the internal mechanisms, memory types, and supported files.

All the speak is adequate to drive you crazy. Now we will discuss 20 GB Mp3 players and hopefully clear the water so to speak on what it all means.

Storage Size

Only a few short years ago, a large PC contained a 40 GB hard drive currently you can get them as large as 750 GB. The same thing has happened with personal media, first measured their memory in mega bytes currently you find 20 GB Mp3 players and larger.

Progression: 1 bit is the smallest unit of measurement 8 bits = a byte 1024 bytes = a kilo byte 1024 kilo bytes = a mega byte 1024 mega bytes = a gigabyte 1024 gigabytes = tere byte

Does Size Matter?

When you are talking about computers the size of the hard drive and other key components matter a great deal. With personal media players, the situation is a bit different (pardon the pun). Size matters to the user of the equipment in both cases but even more so with media players.

Hard Drive versus Flash Drive

If you are a user who is in need of the ample memory that 20 GB Mp3 players present you are pretty much guaranteed hard drive based memory.

Hard drive based memory is just what it sounds like, your 20 GB Mp3 player will have a tiny hard drive built in that works much the same way as your home pc. That means moving parts, which can be damaged, by excessive activity or abuse.

Flash drive, on the other hand, has no moving parts and can go nearly anywhere at any time with little risk to the player. Again, you will not find 20 GB Mp3 players with this type of memory but you can get close.

Popular Brands

Most major manufacturers of media players will have many lines to choose from. They will have 1 GB as well as 20 GB Mp3 players. The brand that has kind of stolen the show is IPod and they are decent players on all accounts. Creative Zen, Sansa, and Phillips all produce comparable products.

Final Thoughts

One frequent problem with mp3 players of any size is the ear buds . You may also need to seek 20 GB Mp3 players with removable batteries; this will let you the choice of changing them when they get low to prolong your music satisfaction.

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