Facebook And How To Market Successfully

Facebook has got to be one of the most used and powerful marketing tools available to online marketers. But when your search and find different MLM based groups, you are hammered with advert after advert about every online business opportunity out there. And that is the biggest mistake that everyone is making. All the adverts that you see are from online marketers who only have one focus and goal on Facebook. Getting their opportunity everywhere for people to see. Read on to see how this is the wrong way to use Facebook.

After you have signed up for your new MLM opportunity, one of your first thoughts is going to be advertising on Facebook. Don’t get me wrong, it should be. You have probably got plenty of friends added who usually are already online marketers. Either they joined you or you joined them. But no matter how you look at it, you are marketing to other marketers, right? Well, these are the people to target as you are all looking to make an income online.

Your biggest problem that you are going to face is getting these fellow marketers to leave their „business opportunity“ and join yours. And here is why you have almost 0% chance of recruiting them.

Other online marketers that are promoting their business opportunity have spent time and money trying to build their downline. You showing up on their Facebook profile with your business opportunity is not going to interest them at all. You will just get a message back hearing about what they have to offer. It is absolutely critical towards your success with Facebook that you can see this happening and are willing to change your marketing techniques. How many people have joined your business with your current Facebook marketing ideas?

OK, lets find out how to turn your Facebook marketing issues around. But before I go any further, I want to make sure that your mindset is available for change. If you have been marketing on Facebook for a while, you are probably set in your ways. If you aren’t willing to change your ways, don’t bother to read on. To the rest, lets go!

The first thing you need when marketing an MLM business opportunity is a website or Blog. Without these, you are doing it the hard way. Without these, you can’t successfully market on Facebook. I can’t believe how many people I see advertising on Facebook with nothing more than a referral link at the bottom of their ad. Would you join a business after coming across this on Facebook? Of course you wouldn’t, so don’t expect anyone else to either. At the very least you need to be promoting a team of people or your teams website but only if it helps you directly. You don’t want to waste your time promoting your sponsor or up-lines website unless your referral link it accessible on it to potential recruits.

You are going to advertise your website or blog on Facebook and not your „business opportunity“. Once you have good quality content on your site or blog you can send people there. This alone is more powerful than a referral link. If you added a article about Twitter marketing for example on your site you have a reason for people to go there. But don’t setup an ad like this: „Twitter your way to $$$“. Not many people would click your site with that. Try to post like this:

„Hello everyone! I have just found out how the top guys use Twitter to successfully recruit into there businesses and it’s actually working! You have to read this article, now!“

(website/Blog URL)

As you can see above, a lot more people would click through to your website than a referral link. The key is to be different. Make sure that you stand out in the sea of advertising. Whilst everyone else is advertising all over these pages, you stand out by offering these other fellow marketers a solution to their Twitter marketing strategies. This isn’t as difficult as it sounds. There are plenty of Twitter marketing articles out there which you are allowed to have on your site. But you can have a video of you and your opportunity when they first visit which has great potential to be watched.

I really hope that you take in what I have told you today. Don’t just be one of the generic adverts out there that mo-one cares about. Anyone can do that, and you know what, they do! View your referral link as something to avoid unless asked for it directly and you will succeed.

This technique to market on Facebook is just one marketing strategy that my team uses with AshMax. If you would like to know more about this MLM, check out my AshMax review.

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