Expert Advice from Adwords Management Service Co-CEO

As Co-CEO of one of the leading Adwords Management Services I absolutely hate to see people get ripped off by adwords management services that don’t live up to the golden rules of adwords management. Not only do these certain companies hurt their clients but they also hurt the entire adwords management industry by giving the rest of us a bad reputation. I am writing this article to show you exactly what to look for so you won’t get burned by sorry, so called „adwords management“. I will show you exactly what to look for so you can be sure to find a top-of the-line adwords management service.

There are 5 specific, very important things you must look for when selecting a quality adwords management service. While it can be quite complicated to understand these 5 critical things or processes rather, I will tell you exactly what questions to ask so that you will find an adwords management service that is truly professional and on top of the adwords game. True Adwords professionals can answer the following questions. Be sure to ask and get answers to all of these questions before you dare outsource your adwords management. If the adwords management service representative can answer these 5 questions with answers similar or identical to the ones below, I’d say you are in good hands.

Do You Offer Split Testing? What is the importance of it? Firstly, the rep should of course answer. „Yes“ to the fist part of this question. Split testing is a vital part of successful adwords management. Split testing is extremely important because it helps find which ads are most effective and which ads draw in the most clicks. It also helps decrease click costs because Google rewards better performing ads with lower click costs and higher ad placement.

How do you organize my adwords campaigns? Adwords campaigns should be organized and totally rearranged so that the keywords are divided into very closely knit, relevant adgroups. It is important that the top performing keywords are put into adgroups of their own in order to achieve perfect relevancy.

What steps do you take to Optimize my Ads? Don’t be fooled if a rep says, „We know exactly which headlines convert the best and we know how to write professional ad copy. Blah blah blah..“ That is crap. Optimizing ads mean insuring the keyword searched on shows up 3 times in the ad; once in the headline, once in the ad text and once in the display URL. Google rewards these kinds of ads with higher ad placement and lower click costs. Google loves relevancy. Also Insure that the adwords management service writes a specific ad for each keyword you have. Anything less is simply lazy.

How Do You Adjust My Bidding? What’s the most efficient form of bidding in Google adwords right now? Its definitely bidding using Google’s Conversion Optimizer. If they don’t mention anything about that then guess what? That adwords management service is officially out-dated! Any professional adwords management service knows bid management with Google’s Conversion optimizer is the way to go. Nothing else beats it.

What Continuing education does your staff go through? You’d better believe continuing education is a huge part of successful adwords management. The Google Adwords world is always changing. If you’re not consistently studying and spending money on research then you will quickly fall behind. The most advanced adwords management services spend tens of thousands of dollars on continuing education. Don’t be afraid to ask for proof of continuing education. After all it is you money at risk.

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