Educate Your Child Or Watch Them Crumble: The Sad Future of Global Economic Strategies

In life, real life (not this politically correct utopia brainwash content they are force-feeding our children with in school to cripple their minds) is truly, absolutely survival of the fittest. Make no mistake intellectual battle lines are drawn and at the end of the day there are two educations a child gets today: School and Home.

At school children are taught that if they play along with the group, all is well, they’ll get good grades and if they say no to drugs, fall on bended knee before the teachers they will make it. A child’s education at home must be about applications, strategy and considering the public education game a playground. Understand that when you send your child to school they are submerged in a ‚follow the leader‘ subculture that goes like this: go to class, study, ready, test well and put your napkin on your lap at lunch get into college and get that piece of paper that convinces intellectual halfwits that you’re qualified for that $30k paper pusher job, fall in line with the student loan suffocation mechanism to allow the government to take their piece of the action and you’ll be fine.

As parents, we need to have a strong, updated comprehension of this because we place our children in a position where they are tied down and force-fed by self proclaimed intellectual scholars yet the reality is they teach because they cannot do (yes I know I’ve said this before but keep reading). Those who can apply the tactics taught in school go from tactician to strategist. A strategist is able to apply the tactics studied in university class rooms to their current and immediate environment, ‚teachers‘ also referred to as ‚tacticians‘ cannot.

Train your children in the Machiavellian ways that have been demonized by those who are afraid to lose control but mastered by those in control. Throughout elementary and high school training it is your job as a parent to show your child how to apply what they are learning in school as the instructor as their educational facility is unable to do this as they are a tactician not a strategist. Strategists own the companies that tacticians work for. Strategists are on the board of companies and have C level executive stations while hiring and firing an ongoing ocean of tacticians. How can you tell if you’re child’s teacher is a tactician as opposed to an educator with the full package? They treat the halfwit concepts of the new ‚political correctness‘ as if they were laws passed down from Mount Olympus and constantly use backwards, mean nothing terminology such as hyphenated ethnicities which is nothing more than one additional strategy used by the powers that be to separate the citizens of this nation even more in turn securing more of a strangle hold on the minds of our youth, they take a kumbaya approach to communication with a ‚there is no wrong answer‘ process to confusing the balance of a soft maturing mind, they’ll teach about Victoria, self proclaimed Queen of a so-called ‚United‘ Kingdom with no mention of the ongoing British attempts to infiltrate this country with chaos missions during the civil war, the war of 1812, multiple invasions from Canada early in the history of our Nation and ongoing via economics and our current legislative and trade system.

Its war and we are battling for the minds of our children in order to keep them from entering into the zone of the mindless drone. They will brainwash your child all day in school, instead of handing your child over to more negative influences by allowing them to sit in front of the idiot box for four hours per night, give them books to read like the Art of War, The Prince and other books that will train them to assimilate this lame public/private school education into practical, strategic concepts that will set them apart, above and beyond their peers.

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