Easy Mind Control Tactics

A while back I wanted my spouse to buy me something that wasn’t cheap. My husband didn’t want to do this because he felt that we would spend too much on the upcoming holiday season. But a little ruse of mine made him change his mind: I gave him the good old silent treatment. So I got what I wanted. I happen to know that this is a really good mind control technique. ~ Mariz

When we are trying to influence the mind of another, we employ mind control techniques. This gets at the other person’s subconscious level. The result is that the person’s emotions and behaviors are affected. This is really a kind of subvert manipulation to affect the way a person makes a decision.

At this point in time many believe that mind control is something to be avoided. This is stated in terms of the bad control on someone’s freedom or independence.

But mind control is really something completely neutral. If we take it back to its logical conclusion, what do we find? Simply a way of using the mind to communicate with. This has become a very important technique even when it comes to learning one’s own capabilities. And this way we can figure out how to best use it.

Mind control is utilized a lot. Its power can operate so naturally that we can even take it for granted to the point of not noticing it at all. It is not until the intentions of its user are negative that mind control becomes something awful and undesirable.

Hypnosis is actually a mind control technique. Whether it’s self-induced or induced by someone else. The effects of hypnosis are powerful and can sway what a person does under its application. This is indeed a very effective mind control. Cult and other secret societies have been said to be employing these techniques.

Silent treatment, which is revealed by Mariz’s story, is another way to use this technique. This is basically part of people’s personalities. It has specific results when utilized, as such it can be another valuable mind control technique.

Then there are the subliminal messages; these are also a sort of mind control techniques. When a subliminal message is sent, its receiver remains ignorant of having been influenced by it. TV commercials use it as well as many advertisements in general. When this kind of influence is upon you, you can’t really „see“ it. But it exists nonetheless and can influence the way you think or how you feel about something.

But mind control techniques require care and thought before their application. A sense of responsibility is a must. Since it can be used in negative ways, it is important to know what we are doing when we employ it and to remain responsible agents whenever we use it.

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