Cybo Introduces Worldwide Directory of Businesses

Listing more than 100 million businesses in 242 countries, Cybo is the most complete and comprehensive yellow page business directory in the world, allowing businesses large and small to connect across borders.

English is thought by many to be the worldwide language of commerce, however it is estimated that just 25% of today’s world Internet users use English primarily. Now, in excess of 99% of the world’s Internet users can now use the company’s business directory in their own language. The company crosses the language barrier by permitting the world’s businesses and consumers to scour the website in 50 foreign languages.

By going to this website, businesses can connect, communicate and share important business relationships internationally. Individuals can locate products and services in their own country or in another continent, without needing to learn to read another language.

Industrial companies can expand their procurement and wholesale networks; professionals can offer services to prospects around the globe; and businesses can offer their products to clients across oceans. It does not matter if it is business-to-business or business-to- retail consumer, the possible connections that can be developed through the site are unlimited. In summary, no matter where they are, whatever they are looking for, whatever language they speak, this site connects people to businesses that meet their needs.

The company can dedicate its continuous growth to the company’s adopted „do no evil“ strategy. On the site you will find quality listings that accurately portray businesses, business locations, and business contact information. The company’s success has come from careful strategy and hardwork as they do not employ any of the questionable aggressive strategies as some sites do in hopes of gaining user traffic. You will not find obnoxious advertising or necessary membership fees on any of the site’s pages because the site is 100% ad free.

The site is used for searches by consumers such as finding the phone number of your local vet, the location of a restaurant in town, or information about accommodations for international travel. The site is also used by businesses to build and maintain relationships with other businesses and to expand their target audiences. By not establishing a strictly consumer or strictly business customer base the company serves as a resource for anyone who is in need of quickly finding business information.

While internet super powers such as Google, Yahoo, and Facebook breached international and multicultural boundaries to take full advantage of these expanding global markets, no business to business or business directory site had attained such worldwide integration. The company has filled this void by becoming the world’s first complete global business directory.

In addition to offering the most complete database of business listings, the site also provides a people search directory with the largest email directory in the world. Cybo is now the world’s largest and most versatile reverse directory, offering reverse searches by address, phone, email, website, zip code, area code and suffix.

With over 100 million businesses, Cybo is the World’s Largest Yellow Page Directory International Yellow Pages, and international business directory

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