Create a Nurturing Culture at Your School

Schools today do so much more than teach reading writing and arithmetic. Young people are faced with so many issues that it is necessary for schools to implement policies, procedures and programs to combat these serious pressures that face their students; anti-bully, anti-drug, safe-sex, underage drinkingto name a few.

Locker searches seem to be standard anymore. Now metal-detectors and the presence of campus police don’t arouse much curiosity. These implementations have had a negative impact on the climate of the schools environment. Schools have become more institutionalized, and cold. Now, more than ever, public schools are trying to gain ground from their rising competitors: charter schools, private schools, and home schools. Administrators are eager to change this effect. They are asking for a warmer environment that feels nurturing, and creative.

One Middle School Principle in Clarion Iowa, Steve Haberman decides to drastically change the climate of his school by incorporating twelve larger than life wall murals throughout his building. SportsGraphics, a leading manufacturer of wall padding and safety furnishings for gymnasiums and outdoor fields, has come up with Wall Murals for Schools. Beautiful, digitally crisp images that are applied to every surface from stucco to brick. The wall mural made from a thin film and applied with heat, are created for the specific purpose of feeding positive and inspirational messages to everyone who walks by them.

When you enter his Middle School you are in awe with what appears to be an enormous painting on the foyer’s brick wall. An image of planet earth with the words, ‚There is a world waiting for you. Your journey has just begun.‘ Around the corner you see Albert Einstein who fits nicely between the floor and ceiling, remininding all students and staff imagination is more important than knowledge. There are murals about ’singing away your woes‘ for the music department and Victor Hugo’s quote ‚To learn to read is to light a fire written over an enormous book with sparks magically flying out of it. Mr. Haberman has turned his school into a colorful array of art and inspiration, utilizing twelve murals, with more to come.

Kimberly Conlon, SportsGraphics Marketing Director, says, „It’s so refreshing to see these beautiful, colorful murals that inspire students to be like the great thinkers of the past, or at the very least, question what made them so unique. And the answer to that question is the entire reason we designed Wall Murals For Schools.“ SportsGraphics company is no stranger to catering to schools like Mr. Habermans. They have been manufacturing wall padding, scoring tables, and bleacher curtains for the past twenty- two years. The company prides itself on setting trends in high schools and middle schools across the county. In The last year,SportsGraphics Safety and Image Representatives have been bombarded with interest from school administrators to give them something original to address the rest of their facility, not just the gymnasium and fields. „They want unique murals that reinforce what the teachers and administrators are already teaching. They want inspiring images that ignite a passion for learning, reminding students and staff of the school’s mission.“ Says Pat Conlon, President of SportsGraphics.

„With students bombarded by negative images and messages daily, these wall murals are like nutrition for the mind. Thoughts are extremely powerful,“ Conlon explains. „Mr. Haberman is taking control of the atmosphere of his school by visually reminding his students and staff several times a day of self-empowering beliefs and reminders that learning is exciting, character is everything, and anything is possible.“

„Designing the wall murals for Mr. Haberman’s Middle School, was so rewarding. I love the fact that we are adressing the power of imagery in a positive, meaningful way. Kids are bombarded with negative and self defeating thoughts on a moment to moment basis,“ Patrick Conlon, President of SportsGraphics says. „I was proud to assist Mr. Haberman’s vision for his students and staff.“

„When you walk in to this school you can tell this place is different,“ Mr. Haberman said. The student’s reaction is the real test. So far, according to this Principle,“Students actually stop to look and read them,“ He says wide eyed. „After a music concert the other night, I watched parents stroll the entire building just taking in all the art. A kindergarden class actually came over just to tour the building!“ Mr. Haberman is one Middle School Principle who would never settle for mediocrity. This is definitely not your cookie-cutter school.

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