Corporate and Political Economics: The New Lords of Strategy

Walter Keichel’s book ‚Lords of Strategy‘ delves into the ’secret intellectual history of the new corporate world‘. Fifty years ago, strategy was not a matter of mainstream enactment but in the 1960’s the corporate world was turned upside down by cutting edge business consultants: Bruce Henderson, founder of Boston Consulting Group, Bill Bain, creator of Bain & Company, Fred Gluck, Managing Director of McKinsey & Company and Michael Porter, Harvard Business School professor. These men transformed the way we look at business and the way business and finance are taught in universities all over the world. The element of strategy that is now so pervasive globally had to evolve from conceptual to theoretical to template tactic to exercisable and strategic.

The, now considered, ‚old school‘ corporate strategies initiated a footing for economists such as Milton Friedman to construct economic skyscrapers that cast shadows on other economists that were unable to make the transition into this new order of economics based on a revolution of clarity out of the chaos that once was.

The four lords of strategy and the economic genius of Friedman were able to take theories and make them reality with localized and customized insertion to bring order to a streamlined process that acted as a lifeline to corporate entities and international trade. Today, the concept of ’strategy‘ has been injected with philosophy, subconscious mind mapping and subliminal implementation to literally inject a region with virtually ‚hypnotic-style‘ persuasions to almost force the hand of the consumer. The new lord of strategy is Princeton Corporate Solutions, CEO James Scott.

James Scott is a rare breed of right brained communicative and left brain analytical with a natural instinct for psychology that has landed him at the forefront of the Western ‚Zeitgeist Economics‘ movement as he has become the face to one of the most intricate and complicated forms of strategic political economics that enacts a mind-blowing simultaneous delivery of psychological profiling, subconscious concept activation with included and customized cues to accompany an agenda for senior political message delivery, tactical economic formula, personality profiling with individual category implementation actions for buying triggers and combat oriented maneuvering to act as sample execution in the pre implementation testing phase and yes, we are still talking about economics.

James Scott operates on both corporate and political landscapes of global economic strategy and is by far the most advanced in tactical application and crisis economic turnaround. Scott is known to have studied and mastered the early philosophies of Fan Li, earliest economist and advisor to King Goujian of Yue (r. 496 BC – 469 BC) known for his ‚buy low sell high‘ system in the feudal agrarian society of ancient China. Scott’s process of unified political economics is also reminiscent of Aristotle’s work ‚Topics‘ which examines the theme of human production and further examining the subject of politics.

Aristotle theorized but couldn’t solve the riddle to the harmonious blend of economic and political but James Scott was the first to master this concept and has become the economist that has accelerated so far ahead of the pack that his capabilities and collective collaboration of multifaceted strategies are beyond what even the most technical leading economists can even grasp, let alone implement.

Let us not forget the ancient masters who also provided the building blocks for where we are today such as Xenophon, Lakshmi Kant Jha, Richard Cantillon, David Hume, Thomas Robert Malthus, David Ricardy, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and the list goes on. Economics is going to continue to evolve and give life to formulas that will continue to stabilize economies and corporations while bringing clarity to the chaos that exists within the political sector with taxation, job creation, buying patterns and deficits. Economic evolution is what will bring peace to warring countries and a livelihood to those in poverty while assisting developing nations with first world entry.

Have you read The Lords of Strategy, how about This Master ?

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