Consequences of a Damaged Online Reputation

Celebrities and people in high places stake their reputation everyday and ordinary folks can throw rocks at them just for the fun of it. It happens with famous brands every single day and just about everyone online joins in the fray.

Unflattering and denigrating remarks about you online can be particularly damaging when there are about 2 billion people who can instantly access and read those materials. Business brands are particularly vulnerable. In fact, the more notable the brand, the more its prone to getting attacked online. Because, well, you really cant please everyone no matter how hard you try. Keep in mind, however, that this applies to any brandnot just the famous ones.

With fierce competition for product visibility online, its not uncommon for unscrupulous competitors to resort to defamation of character through black propaganda. There are online product reviewers who can be paid to say nothing good about your product in the guise of a product review. Forums, blog sites and social networking sites have made defamation slander even easier for unsatisfied customers and disgruntled employees hiding in anonymity to post nasty things that can really bring your online reputation down.

If left unchecked, slander and libel have a way of sticking to your brand and ruining the reputation you have built over the years. Two things can happen. You can lick your wounds and wait for it to fade away. Keep in mind that there are horror stories about companies who did nothing about all the negative stories floating around about their brand, and have had to close down eventually. A tarnished reputation can be quite impossible to reverse. In fact, when worse comes to worst, about the only reputation management one can do when this happens is to change the name of the product or company along with hiding its ownership.

Don’t let that happen as starting fresh can be a lot more expensive than doing brand protection early in the game before it gets to the point of no return. While some negativity and criticism is healthy online, which you can safely ignore, you also have to remain vigilant and make sure they don’t cross the line into slander and libel. You have to have a more assertive reputation management plan in order deal with the situation.

You could haul those who wrote the negative online content to court. However, that’s really just a show of force that can take years and financial fortune to be resolved. Meanwhile, your reputation is fast eroding with unmitigated slander and libel online. What could a significant compensatory damage do for you should you win the case when your image online has become so battered that you have to close shop?

Among the really sensible options to manage online reputation is to harness the SEO tools that enhance your online visibility. With search engine reputation management, you can bury those sites to the lower ranks of search results to where nobody will even bother to look so they cause any damage. It’s your best bet against defamation slander in the internet.

You could learn how this is done, but that takes time you dont have when in the thick of battle. Find a 3rd party SEO professional who is great in defamation slander repair services and you are sure to get your moneys worth. Do it early to insulate your reputation from losing its revenue-drawing magic.

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