Chiropractic Testimonial Secrets

Everyone knows that one of the most effective ways of marketing utilizes chiropractic testimonials to generate new patients. The good news is, there isn’t any out-of-pocket cost to the chiropractor for acquiring them.

This being said, I want to encourage every chiropractor to begin to build a library of chiropractic video testimonials for their practice! Many times it’s very simple and easy to get them and patients that have been helped typically cannot wait to share their story with others.

The next step is to post these testimonials on YouTube and many other video sharing sites. From there, if done correctly, you’ll be able to watch as the traffic gets driven to your website and through your practice doors in little time. When you use social sharing sites online to upload your videos, you have the potential to generate wonderful buzz all while successfully branding yourself in your community as the absolute expert for chiropractic issues. People will feel compelled to watch these videos when they come up in search engines because, as humans, we naturally want to hear about successful tips and stories from others. Using this kind of human interest to market your chiropractic practice is incredibly smart.

This form of chiropractic marketing isnt just smart, its necessary into todays world. You actually cant afford not to take advantage of internet marketing in 2009, and video marketing in particular. Ive seen too many chiropractic practices go under because they cant get out of the old way of marketing. When you dont embrace the times, youll pull yourself under and drown. Sadly, thats how a number of chiropractors are reaching their demise these days. Video marketing is priceless and free, and that means that youre saving and earning a great deal in the long run.

Once you have a solid number of these amazing chiropractic testimonials ready to go, the next step is to get a good ranking with certain key words on Google to make the whole thing fly. Once you get these videos out into the major search engines, don’t be surprised to see a crop of new patients coming through your doors. Theres no reason under the sun why you shouldnt take the initiative and start this today. In fact, your practice may depend upon it.

Lastly, it’s a good idea in your chiropractic marketing endeavors to make sure every patient that gives a testimonial signs a release form. This document basically gives consent for the chiropractor to use the patient’s image / likeness in chiropractic marketing efforts. This can be just a simple, few sentence, release waiver.

Make it a goal to get at least 2 chiropractic testimonials on video every week and they will accumulate fast. This will boost the chiropractor’s credibility within his/her local community.

Those that are unsure about the technical component of all of this as well as the chiropractic marketing aspect should find a mentor that’s been using video marketing for several years. It will substantially reduce your learning curve so you can appear more professional.

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