Can You Afford Not To Know CPA Marketing?

Unless you have been under a rock lately, if you are an affiliate marketer than you have already heard the buzz about Cost per action marketing or CPA affiliate programs. These programs have been around for a few years and now with their popularity growing Cost per action marketing sites are springing up like hot cakes. One of the biggest reasons that cost per action marketing has become so popular for folks working from home is due to the fact that they are some of the easiest and most lucrative marketing opportunities.

The steps are very basic in a cost per action marketing program:

* An email address is submitted.OR * A form is filled out.OR * A zip code is submitted

Does that sound simple? There is no selling, no telling, no really need for a website even. You just offer them a form and then they take an action. You get paid.

By having people take these simple actions that you get paid for is what makes CPA offers so lucrative for online marketers. On average you get paid around $1-$1.50 for single field entry forms, like zip codes or emails. But once you get good you will be able to handle offers that pay out as high as $30 or even higher just for getting some one to fill in more information, like for a loan or government grant.

I have put together three things that I hope will assist you in getting the most out of your Cost Per Action marketing campaign.

1. Do You Know Your Target Market Already? – If you have an established site in say Online Gaming then check out the offers in that a category and plug them into your site. Research the products name and also what kind of folks are already playing it and reviewing it. If you don’t already have a site then do some product research and find a CPA offer to fit the needs of a large group of users. Basic niche research will do you well.

2. Track Your Click Throughs – It is easy to get lazy about this over time but it is essential that you track your click throughs. With any good online campaign regardless of if it is Adwords or CPA, you need to know where people are coming from so you can maximize what you are doing. The great thing is that many CPA networks and CPA affiliate programs have some really sophisticated stats reporting. This allows you rapidly identify new areas for revenue generation.

3. Sign Up To Lots Of Networks – If you already have a site going, it is really easy to get into a CPA network. They are looking for quality sites that will promote them that is on target with their product. You can also just do pay per click via Google Adwords, but know your budget if you choose that path. By signing up to a variety of programs you can find that some offer more money for the same offers so it is important to do your research.My rule of thumb is to promote around 5-7 distinct offers at a time so that you have better odds of finding a winning campaign.

CPA marketing is becoming one of the most popular and lucrative fields of internet marketing today. CPA can provide you a Job Killing Income and is a win-win for all. While you help advertisers get exposure, you as an affiliate earn money, and the end-users will be getting the products and services they desire. That’s win, win, win!

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